Author Topic: 11th December 2005/ Cronulla Beach!  (Read 23792 times)


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Re: 11th December 2005/ Cronulla Beach!
« Reply #135 on: January 23, 2006, 07:36:35 PM »
:o :o :o :o :o

100% Aussie here fox!

My mistake champ. :thumbsup

What tribe u from ?

BTW,all my Greek mates are also 100% Aussie.

Home is where the heart is.
Thats the problem with the ME situation.
Their heart lies in a land and within a religion that is of another world to ours.

Offline Ethel Merman

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Re: 11th December 2005/ Cronulla Beach!
« Reply #136 on: January 23, 2006, 07:58:17 PM »
I looked up nationalist in The Oxford Dictionary it defines the word thus - a person who advocates political independence for a country - a person with strong patriotic feelings, esp. one who believes in the superiority of their country over others.  I don't see much of what your advocating in there. For a start it doesn't say anything about race or ethnicity.  

I put it to you Razor that your mistaken, "White Australia" is a figment of your imagination and that that train has left the station.  Add that to the non-stop tonguing our Prime Minister applies to the US of A's nether region and we can throw in "political independence" as another non issue.  

Now before you hang your hat on the words "superiority of their country over others" think of our mountain of overseas debt  and while on that, how, if we intend to trade our way out of this position are calls for ethnic cleansing going to help Australian businesses keep and attract customers.

Offline Razorblade

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Re: 11th December 2005/ Cronulla Beach!
« Reply #137 on: January 23, 2006, 10:00:00 PM »
Oh Ethel, you crack me up.

I much prefer this definition:
na·tion·al·ism   Audio pronunciation of "nationalist" ( P )  Pronunciation Key  (nsh-n-lzm, nshn-)

   1. Devotion to the interests or culture of one's nation.
   2. The belief that nations will benefit from acting independently rather than collectively, emphasizing national rather than international goals.
   3. Aspirations for national independence in a country under foreign domination.

Number 1 is a big yes.
Number 2 is a general yes with a bit of room to budge though.
Number 3 doesn't apply to Australia in the first place.

As fars as improving our economic situation? Well for starters we wouldn't have to spend so much bloody money on the prison system, or the police force, or the plethora of multiculturalism and political correctness assosiations, or even rape crisis centres.

I don't go around saying Australia is superior to other countries, we are infact inferior because we have allowed ourselves to be taken over by multiculturalism and the left-wingers who support it unconditionally.

Ethnic cleansing? Your words Ethel not mine!

Fox - The greeks generally aren't a problem, the only ones i have a problem with are the "my poo don't stink" soccer crowd, but generally they know when to shut their mouths.

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Re: 11th December 2005/ Cronulla Beach!
« Reply #138 on: January 23, 2006, 10:11:45 PM »
Hey Razor

Glad to hear that the Greeks are ok.

What about the Germans - are they ok? Jeez I hope so as one of my grandparents was one. One of the others was Scotish - but I'm sure they are ok from what you've written.

I knda wish I was like you though, born here (like me) but apparently not an immigrant in the family tree.

ps - those Greeks and Italians were a lot of trouble in the 50s and 60s - you sure they're ok now?


Offline Razorblade

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Re: 11th December 2005/ Cronulla Beach!
« Reply #139 on: January 23, 2006, 10:19:06 PM »
I've got no quarrel with German immigration, infact from the ladies i've seen from that country the more the merrier, just no radical neo-nazi's thanks!

Immigrants from Europe generally aren't the problem, its the middle east, asian and african immigration that we should be worried about.

As for the rest of your post.......... ???

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Re: 11th December 2005/ Cronulla Beach!
« Reply #140 on: January 23, 2006, 10:29:21 PM »
Hey razor

Just checked with my dear old mum to make sure about the lineage and she confirmed he was German - from a town named Beirut - that's northern Germany I think.


Offline Ethel Merman

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Re: 11th December 2005/ Cronulla Beach!
« Reply #141 on: January 23, 2006, 10:34:34 PM »
Oh Ethel, you crack me up.
Razorblade old pet, I think you may have cracked long before I turned up.  Hysteria and ignorance.... not really my idea of a hobby, but each to their own.

Offline Razorblade

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Re: 11th December 2005/ Cronulla Beach!
« Reply #142 on: January 23, 2006, 10:40:30 PM »
Once again Ethel, instead of debating the topic you turn to personal attacks!

Just on that article that i posted, isn't it amazing that it has NOT been reported in any other newspapers or on television.

Why are incidents involving ethnic crime being covered up?

Do the lefties have something to hide?

Offline Ethel Merman

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Re: 11th December 2005/ Cronulla Beach!
« Reply #143 on: January 23, 2006, 10:41:45 PM »
just no radical neo-nazi's thanks!

So your ok with neo-nazi's as long as they aren't the radical variety.


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Re: 11th December 2005/ Cronulla Beach!
« Reply #144 on: January 23, 2006, 11:18:09 PM »
Multi culturalism started when varying tribes of the same breed of creature,neanderthal, spread its seed to the outer regions
of the surrounding  inner bodies.
I guess a standing prick has no conscience...and then we wake up and its 2006
We say we hate wogs and abbos and Jews...but we'll still screw their pretty daughters,more than once.
Wake up and your living with a Jew who has your children.
What r u gonna do?
Ill tell u.
stuff all is what u will do,
Their your kids

We didnt come from the apes as many believe
One of the most fundamental beliefs of evolutionism is that man has evolved from beasts through time, chance and natural selection. Some insist that evolutionism does not teach that man evolved from apes but rather from "ape-like" ancestors. This argument is specious as virtually any of the presumed "hominid ancestors" of man would be classified as apes were they alive today. An ape is defined as merely a tailess monkey. The research dealing with mans evolution from the apes begins with the assumption that man did in fact evolve from the apes. No observations or interpretations are allowed to question this apriori assumption. What has been sought in paleoanthropology (the study of human and "prehuman" fossil record) then are the transitional stages from ape-like animals to man. Transitional forms have proven as elusive here however, as between any other class of plants or animals. The missing links remain missing.

imo a lot of the name calling and hatred towards,say wogs for example,Isn't as serious as some would have u believe.
Its almost done in piszed humor.

I remember having to fight one of the Oakliegh wogs back in the 80s.
Big Greek Cidiot.
We went toe to toe for about 5 minutes,both had a bit of blood flowing.
Then we just stopped and put our arms around one another.
Point is,It took the heat of a battle to realise there need be no battle

We also ended up with each others respect,more importabt than friendship.

Gotta realise,these Musi kids running ROUND BASHING PEOPLE ARE JUST poo SCARED for their own existence within Australian society.

This has already died down anyway

Try to remember that the real terrorist is GeorgeWBush.
Him and his administration of mercinary bastards make far reaching decisions regarding our country
and with the little rodent Jonboy Howard having his taut tongue firmly and deeply planted in Bushs butt.
Its no wonder

We're aall currently part of what i call Operation Trueman.(The Trueman Story)

Offline Ethel Merman

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Re: 11th December 2005/ Cronulla Beach!
« Reply #145 on: January 23, 2006, 11:31:43 PM »
Once again Ethel, instead of debating the topic you turn to personal attacks!

Sorry Razor, I shouldn't be so harsh, it's your just ideas I find repugnant, nothing personal.

Just on that article that i posted, isn't it amazing that it has NOT been reported in any other newspapers or on television.

I don't know, it's not like there's anything else going on, can you smell smoke?

Why are incidents involving ethnic crime being covered up?

What like crop circles and the sordid details of John Howard's lurid love life?

Do the lefties have something to hide?

Which lefties are these, the two or three that own all this countries media and endorsed the return of the Liberal Government and now ignore it's record of failure in any area of responsibility you care to mention?  Those lefties?

Offline Razorblade

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Re: 11th December 2005/ Cronulla Beach!
« Reply #146 on: January 25, 2006, 07:26:22 PM »
Opposition leader and former sydney detective both agree, NSW Labor government is soft on ethnic crime!

What say you delusional lefties!,5744,17930393%255E2702,00.html

Branch-stacking leaves Iemma 'beholden' to ethnic groups
Ean Higgins
January 25, 2006

THE NSW Government's "softly, softly" approach on Middle Eastern crime was a direct result of Premier Morris Iemma's reluctance to offend Lebanese powerbrokers in his own electorate, the state Opposition claimed yesterday.

In an interview with The Australian, Opposition Leader Peter Debnam for the first time personalised his attack on the Premier, claiming ALP branch-stacking in his seat of Lakemba had left him beholden to Middle Easterners.

Mr Debnam's allegations were backed up by the high-profile former Sydney detective Tim Priest, who said police had for years avoided taking on Middle Eastern gangs because it would be "political suicide" for their ALP parliamentary masters.

Mr Priest told The Australian that "over the years these Middle Eastern criminals have been allowed to run amok" because of directives from on high that police should avoid antagonising ethnic communities.

The new allegations come as Mr Iemma and his Police Minister, Carl Scully, struggle to contain political uproar over the chaotic police effort to track down Middle Eastern "revenge attackers" who went on a rampage of violence following last month's race riots.

Mr Debnam yesterday provided details of his broad allegation of a political conspiracy, which he claims has prevented police from cracking down on Middle Eastern crime. He noted that Mr Iemma's southwestern Sydney seat had a large population of Middle Eastern descent.

According to Australian Bureau of Statistics data, 14.4 per cent of the Lakemba electorate identified themselves as being of Middle Eastern or North African ancestry, and of that grouping, 10.8 per cent said they were Lebanese.

Only 14.2 per cent of the electorate said they were of Australian ancestry, and 18.1 per cent said they were of English, Scottish or Irish ancestry.

Mr Debnam said people of Middle Eastern background had a disproportionate influence in the Labor Party because of branch-stacking in the 1990s in which ALP factions brought scores of them into the party to get their preferred candidates pre-selected.

"They are not just votes, they are members," Mr Debnam said.

Mr Scully, who holds the western Sydney seat of Smithfield, also has a large Middle Eastern and North African component in his electorate.

Mr Debnam said their policy was not to upset the Middle Eastern community, and it had been carried out by Police Commissioner Ken Moroney.

"The Commissioner implements government policy," Mr Debnam said. The allegations have been angrily denied by Mr Iemma, Mr Scully, and Mr Moroney. The three say police have made their own operational decisions, without political influence.

"I do not comment on or interfere with the way police officers conduct their investigations," Mr Scully told The Australian yesterday.

But Mr Priest, who worked as a policeman in Sydney's west and the city for 21 years, said the non-confrontational policing strategy towards ethnic gangs was well established, going back to former commissioner Peter Ryan.

Offline bluey_21

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Re: 11th December 2005/ Cronulla Beach!
« Reply #147 on: January 27, 2006, 09:15:12 AM »
RB I think your being a bit harsh. Your highlighting the misdeamours of other cultures, but you are failing to highlight the positives they have brought to Australia.

Offline Razorblade

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Re: 11th December 2005/ Cronulla Beach!
« Reply #148 on: January 27, 2006, 12:19:10 PM »
Which are what?

The Lebanese bring NOTHING but trouble.

Offline mightytiges

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Re: 11th December 2005/ Cronulla Beach!
« Reply #149 on: January 27, 2006, 04:00:15 PM »
Which are what?

The Lebanese bring NOTHING but trouble.

I'm sure those who don't like Bracksy would agree ;D.

Yet seriously according to those crime stats in Victoria, 95% of Lebanese born abide by the laws of this country and that is almost on par with home grown Aussies (97%).

No race is all evil just as no race is all perfect. You can't label everyone with the same brush based on the actions of a sick mindless minority. Each individual is responsible for his/her own behaviour.  I mean should all anglo-saxon aussies be sent back to the motherland because of the Cronulla day riots or because Julian Knight and Martin Bryant, to name a few, were mass-murderers? Of course not, that's irrational thinking.

A thug (or group of thugs) is a thug (group of thugs) so of course they don't conform or respect anyone or the law irrespective of race, creed, colour or religion. The problem in Sydney was neither did the authorities respect the law so these thugs had a free reign. I noticed there was no post about the 5? arrests of the thugs who rampaged at night through Cronulla following the day riots and the two more wanted for arrest for bashing a bloke. Maybe the NSW police are finally doing their job despite the in hindsight political point-scoring by the state opposition leader.

Just to go back a few posts:

Work skills? Most of them go on welfare and blug off the system, the ones that do work do jobs that just about any australian could do, so in effect they are stealing jobs aswell.

Migrants can't win :).

How do you "steal" a job? If an migrant gets a job then the employer must believe they are better suited and more qualified for the position. To complain about that is petty jealously and displaying one's own insecurities. If they get a job they then pay taxes and spend their earnings in Oz which adds to our economy. Some migrants also become self-employed and run small-businesses which then employs more people. I didn't realise only Anglo-Saxons Aussies owned and ran businesses in Oz.  This all keeps the economy growing. If it doesn't it contracts and dies. Typical Hansonite economics to think that immigration is bad for the Australian economy. I guess we can always print money in our little A/S utopia :help.

It's amusing seeing Howard praise our diversity in his Australia Day speech yet 20 years ago he wanted Asian immigration gone.

Yeah i can see how all the gang violence and unemployment is really making us more diverse!  ::)

Yeah we have never had gang violence before. Sheesh you never dare caught the Broady train after dark in the 70s/80s due to Lords (at and around Newmarket station) and the Broady boys. It's all about enforcing the law. If you give an inch these cowards take a mile.

btw unemployment is at around 27 year low records ;).

The professionals who come here, work their asses off and try their best to blend into the community (see most asians, not vietnamese) are welcome.

So the Vietnamese-born guy I know who escaped from communist Vietnam with his family as a child with sweet FA as a refugee and worked his way up to become a professor in science is not welcome ::). That's the danger of generalising.
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