Author Topic: 11th December 2005/ Cronulla Beach!  (Read 23804 times)

Offline Razorblade

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Re: 11th December 2005/ Cronulla Beach!
« Reply #90 on: January 21, 2006, 12:51:27 PM »
There is nothing wrong with anglo-saxon immigration, they come here and work and blend into and accept australian culture and traditions fo the most part, and the ones that don't generally don't go around casuing trouble anyway.

I did see the video footage, you could make some of the guys out, then today tonight went to a video enhancer expert, and he made the video a much better quality and you could CLEARLY make some of the faces out, and they even said with more time and a better computer they could make the pictures better.

The problem is ethnic immigration, bringing in all these muslims, africans and asians who for the most part come here, bludge on welfare, are a drain on society, commit crime and the ones that are actually arrested are a financial drain on this country because we have to put them in jail.

The crazy left wing, PC people support ethnic crime, they support ethnic gang rapes on white girls, they support ethnic gang violence against innocent white people, and they say that the problem is that we aren't "tolerant" of them and their beliefs, or they don't understand our culture!  ::)

The only way to start to fix this problem is to stop any form of immigration from the middle east, africa, asia and indonesia, or other areas where muslims, africans and asian people reside, and start to cancel visa's for these people, only allowing SOME of the "trained professionals" to stay, who have actually worked and not the bludgers.

Also encourage and allow white immigration from the UK, america and a majority of europe.

Its laughable that the government is bringing in skilled workers when any qualification they have isn't recognized by Australia.

We need to start to clean up this country and get rid of the filth before its too late.

Offline Fishfinger

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Re: 11th December 2005/ Cronulla Beach!
« Reply #91 on: January 21, 2006, 04:37:37 PM »
Thanks for answering my question Razor, also for clearly stating your position.
I appreciate your candidness. We'll never find common ground on this subject so I'll drop it (at least for now  ;)).
Must say I'm confused about this 'crazy left' you keep refering to. Based solely on your posts in this thread, I've got the feeling that anyone slightly left of the extreme right would meet your criteria to qualify.

Anyway, more power to everyone living here getting along and even more power to talk about the tiges..
It's 50 of one and half a dozen of the other - Don Scott

Offline Ethel Merman

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Re: 11th December 2005/ Cronulla Beach!
« Reply #92 on: January 21, 2006, 05:14:52 PM »
Thanks for answering my question Razor, also for clearly stating your position.
I appreciate your candidness. We'll never find common ground on this subject so I'll drop it (at least for now  ;)).
Must say I'm confused about this 'crazy left' you keep refering to. Based solely on your posts in this thread, I've got the feeling that anyone slightly left of the extreme right would meet your criteria to qualify.

Anyway, more power to everyone living here getting along and even more power to talk about the tiges..

FF- I give you credit for engaging with this bloke.  The more he expands on his ratbag reasoning the weaker his poisonous argument becomes.

Offline Razorblade

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Re: 11th December 2005/ Cronulla Beach!
« Reply #93 on: January 21, 2006, 05:38:22 PM »
Care to argue the issue ethel?

No not really, i mean for example Moi doesn't agree with me but i wouldn't consider her left, although her nievity about the gang attack video has me a bir worried about her!  ;)

The "extreme left wing" guys are nearly as dangerous as the ethnic gangs, these are people who lay the blame of ethnic violence solely at the feet of the "evil white man" who "persecute" the poor ethnic minorities, and the are only acting out against the oppresion they have to suffer every day, or that us Australians aren't "tolerant" of their culture and beliefs, well im sorry that im not tolerant of gang rapes and wife bashing.

Instead of arguing a point with facts, they will simply cry racist, bigot, white spuremacist, neo-nazi and hope that people will believe that they are simply racist and not listen to them, when infact a fair amount of people who appose multiculturalism are none of these things.

Yes there are extreme right-wingers out there and trust me i dislike some of them as much as lefties do, they have some valid points but they lose any credibility they have with their referneces to Hitler and their proposals for genocide, they do far more damage to the nationalist movement then anyone else.

Poeple just have to understand that multiculturalism is a failed social experiment, nobody asked for it and now a lot of people don't want it but are too afraid to speak out because they will be labelled a racist.

Why is it that tolerance and racism are one-way streets?

Why is it that i must compromise on my traditions to suit these ethnics, yet they will not compromise on their traditions?

Why is it that if a gang of whites beat up an ethnic its a racial crime, yet if a bunch of Lebo's beat up a white its called "retaliation"?


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Re: 11th December 2005/ Cronulla Beach!
« Reply #94 on: January 21, 2006, 06:03:08 PM »
No not really, i mean for example Moi doesn't agree with me but i wouldn't consider her left, although her nievity about the gang attack video has me a bir worried about her!  ;)
The video i saw had backs of heads - i have seen no close up pictures.  So worry all you like.
And I'm a leftie and proud of it lol
And i understand you as much as you understand me.
Maybe some who are a little bit in between us hardliners should be the ones commenting, because both of us will never see any reason in each other's position on this issue.

Offline Ethel Merman

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Re: 11th December 2005/ Cronulla Beach!
« Reply #95 on: January 21, 2006, 06:31:36 PM »
Care to argue the issue ethel?

A. No Razor, I don't care to argue the issue. 

Q. Why not.

A. To argue with you gives your opinions a legitimacy they don't deserve.

Q. Are you intolerant.

A. When it comes to racists, yes most definitely.

Offline Razorblade

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Re: 11th December 2005/ Cronulla Beach!
« Reply #96 on: January 21, 2006, 07:03:56 PM »
Care to argue the issue ethel?

A. No Razor, I don't care to argue the issue. 

Q. Why not.

A. To argue with you gives your opinions a legitimacy they don't deserve.

Q. Are you intolerant.

A. When it comes to racists, yes most definitely.
You've just proven yourself to be nothing but an idiot, you criticize my opinions yet you REFUSE to debate the issue with me!

stuffing hell atleast Moi and Fishfinger had the guts to debate this with me, your just a coward who doesn't know what they're talking about.

Moi - Today Tonight had a very cleaned up video and pictures, also i just saw on the news before family members of one of the guys in the video have contacted the police and told them his name, and the one they said it was was definetly one of the more blurrier people on the video.

Moi, i am curious of your answer to this, what do you see as the benefits of muslim immigration? What is sooooooooo good about it that i should overlook all the negatives of it?


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Re: 11th December 2005/ Cronulla Beach!
« Reply #97 on: January 21, 2006, 07:17:16 PM »
Moi, i am curious of your answer to this, what do you see as the benefits of muslim immigration? What is sooooooooo good about it that i should overlook all the negatives of it?
Well, i don't see them as any different to any other nationality, being they can only enhance this country with their skills, their culture, just like every other nationality brings to this country, making us more diverse and more interesting than we were. They came here because they wanted to.  You treat them with respect and they will conform to your ideal of how they should behave a lot more readily than they would if you continually treat them as if they are some kind of animals. 
I agree with you, jail these thugs - but with you it's more than that and it is really, really offensive.
What this thread started out about was thuggery and i have no time for them either, whatever their nationality.  But when you say this race is better than that race and espouse this white supremacy crap, it greatly offends me.
And I'm not a Today Tonight watcher so wouldn't have a clue what they had.

Offline Ethel Merman

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Re: 11th December 2005/ Cronulla Beach!
« Reply #98 on: January 21, 2006, 07:39:26 PM »
You've just proven yourself to be nothing but an idiot, you criticize my opinions yet you REFUSE to debate the issue with me!

effing hell atleast Moi and Fishfinger had the guts to debate this with me, your just a coward who doesn't know what they're talking about.

And an idiot and a coward?   You might be right, you might be wrong.  Whatever I am I reckon I can pick a bigoted racist when spot one, the foam around the mouth is the give away.

Go check the mirror Raz.

Offline Razorblade

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Re: 11th December 2005/ Cronulla Beach!
« Reply #99 on: January 21, 2006, 08:06:20 PM »
being they can only enhance this country with their skills
Work skills? Most of them go on welfare and blug off the system, the ones that do work do jobs that just about any australian could do, so in effect they are stealing jobs aswell.

their culture
The same culture which says beating up your wife is allowed, that murdering your children is allowed because they married a "non-believer", also called honour killings, the same culture which preaches hate and death to all "non-believers", the same culture which encourages gang rape of white women?

making us more diverse and more interesting than we were.
Yeah i can see how all the gang violence and unemployment is really making us more diverse!  ::)

They came here because they wanted to.
So? They know that they can get away with whatever they want because the governments are soft on ethnic crime and the delusional left-wingers will defend them at all costs.

You treat them with respect and they will conform to your ideal of how they should behave a lot more readily than they would if you continually treat them as if they are some kind of animals.
Typical leftie comment.  So i guess all those girls who were raped didn't treat then with respect?  All those elderly people who got their heads bashed in with baseball bats didn't treat them with respect?

They will NEVER conform, they don't want to, why do you think they all move into the same suburbs/slums?  I mean for Geez sake their religion basically tells them to murder all "non-believers".

They are animals, and will always be treated like they are animals, they brought this all on themselves.

I agree with you, jail these thugs - but with you it's more than that and it is really, really offensive.
Jail them so we have to spend more and more money on the prison system?  They are a drain on our economy whether they are on the streets or in jail, mass deportations must be enforced.

But when you say this race is better than that race and espouse this white supremacy crap, it greatly offends me.
Once again you just had to play the labelling card, i am not a white supremacist, that is just crap, to suggest that would mean that i would like us to have ethnics has slaves, or below me, thats just crap i just want them out of my country.

The professionals who come here, work their asses off and try their best to blend into the community (see most asians, not vietnamese) are welcome.

People who come here, bludge on welfare and commit crime (see vietnamse, africans, lebanese and others) are the ones we need to deport.

I am even in favour of the british national party's proposal to pay them to leave.

Ethel - You've just proven me right again, instead of debating the issue your trying to label me and make me look bad.

Either DEBATE the issue, or leave the thread.


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Re: 11th December 2005/ Cronulla Beach!
« Reply #100 on: January 21, 2006, 08:10:16 PM »
I have a Muslim girlfriend - she is a doctor, but i wouldn't care if she was a factory worker, she is more than welcome in this country by me.  She hasn't raped anyone, or bashed, or bludged off the system.  And there are many more like her.

End of subject for me.  You're nuts!

Offline Ethel Merman

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Re: 11th December 2005/ Cronulla Beach!
« Reply #101 on: January 21, 2006, 08:35:27 PM »
Ethel - You've just proven me right again, instead of debating the issue your trying to label me and make me look bad.

You don't like being labeled.  That makes you a hypocritical bigoted racist.


Offline Razorblade

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Re: 11th December 2005/ Cronulla Beach!
« Reply #102 on: January 21, 2006, 09:10:17 PM »
Moi - Didn't i just say that professional workers are welcome?

I see you didn't bother commenting on my replies, which pretty much destroyed your last post, not suprising.

Ethel - Got no problem being labelled, but i do when im being labelled something i am not!

You have posted 4 times in this thread, and you are get to actually make a comment on the issue, all your doing is labelling me a racist, typical leftie if i've ever seen it, going the man and never the ball.

Offline one-eyed

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Re: 11th December 2005/ Cronulla Beach!
« Reply #103 on: January 21, 2006, 10:03:15 PM »
We have allowed this thread to stay open given the topic is out in the public arena. However remember:

1) Let's refrain the slanging matches and namecalling (i.e. "idiot") otherwise the thread will have to be locked. 

2) There's an onus to back up statements (especially sweeping ones) with facts/stats otherwise it makes any debate pointless.

3) Remarks made are a reflection on yourself and will still be here in the light of day. 


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Re: 11th December 2005/ Cronulla Beach!
« Reply #104 on: January 21, 2006, 11:02:13 PM »
Ethel - You've just proven me right again, instead of debating the issue your trying to label me and make me look bad.
In some eyes you'd be a hero, in my eyes you're doing a pretty good job of making yourself look bad. You don't need any help from anyone else.

I see you didn't bother commenting on my replies, which pretty much destroyed your last post, not suprising.
See my earlier stuff, you might have got an answer when you first rolled out pretty much the same you have rolled out in every post you've done on this topic.  Nothing has changed - my opinions or yours - and i don't think whatever you put up will ever change my views.  So, if i don't respond again, that is why.  You want certain sections of this community who are distasteful to you for whatever reason to get out of this country.  It has nothing to do with race riots as was the topic of this thread. Wouldn't matter if they were model citizens, that would not be good enough for you. To me, they're just fellow Aussies, and have every right to live here as you or I do.