Author Topic: 11th December 2005/ Cronulla Beach!  (Read 23802 times)

Offline Razorblade

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First NSW, now Victoria...
« Reply #120 on: January 22, 2006, 11:17:53 PM »
I was going to put this in the other thread, but i believe this deserves its own thread.

Moi and Ethel, what say you about this incident?

The joys of multiculturalism...,5478,17897112%255E2862,00.html

Pool staff bashed as youths riot
By Chris Tinkler

FOUR swimming pool staff have been beaten in an attack in Melbourne's north.

Stunned witnesses said about 30 youths had punched and kicked staff, including a young woman, on the grass at Oak Park Aquatic Centre about 4pm yesterday.

One witness, Alex, said families had recoiled in horror at the bashings.

"I've never seen anything like it," Alex said.

"I thought, 'Not another Cronulla'.

"There seemed to be dozens of people involved, with most wading into the staff and people trying to help them.

"They all appeared to be Middle-Eastern youths.

"It was very upsetting and scary. There were hysterical children everywhere."

Nicholas Burt, leisure manager at Moreland Council, which runs the pool, said the riot had occurred after a male lifeguard had tried to calm two teenagers arguing on the grass embankment.

Mr Burt said a third youth had butted in and when the lifeguard had escorted him to his belongings, after asking him to leave, a struggle had broken out.

"That's when up to 30 other patrons started to physically attack staff," Mr Burt said.

Three male lifeguards and one female security guard had been set upon by the group.

Mr Burt said that amid "blows to the back of the head and around the face", the staff had been driven into the pool's reception area.

He said the attack had continued until police arrived.

The staff, including one who suffered a smashed cheek, had been taken to hospital for treatment.

Asked how a minor dispute between teens escalated into a riot, Mr Burt said: "I'm not sure what could have sparked it.

"Until we have more information I wouldn't say it was necessarily a culturally or racially motivated attack, but I would not preclude it."

He said security camera footage would be reviewed as part of investigations.

The popular pool and its giant water-slide were shut immediately after the fracas.

Council chief Peter Brown said it was hoped the pool would reopen today.

Police said a youth, 17, had suffered a dislocated shoulder.


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Re: 11th December 2005/ Cronulla Beach!
« Reply #121 on: January 23, 2006, 03:04:12 AM »
Hey Razor, they're not going away - looks like your life is gonna be a misery if you can't live in a world with your fellow man.
LMAO@stiff poo!
The example you gave is horrendous and hopefully they will be arrested and put where they belong.
Does not mean they're all like that and should be deported. 
Let's hope Melbourne coppers don't get intimidated like our Sydney cops and stamp it out before it gets out of hand.
And let's hope our Aussie vigilantes don't do the same as they did up in Cronulla - no winners here.

Offline julzqld

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Re: 11th December 2005/ Cronulla Beach!
« Reply #122 on: January 23, 2006, 08:33:31 AM »
Up here we've been having trouble with a crowd calling themselves the Palmy Army (not the surfing crowd by the same name) and the Southside Boys.  They gatecrashed a party 2 streets away the other weekend and created havoc, filtering to a house just up the road where they grabbed some scaffolding from one of the blocks being rebuilt and proceeded to smash some poor guy's ute to pieces.  To my knowledge, none of the guys are of Middle Eastern origin, however, one of our laborers knows some of this crowd and says that a guy from over the road is involved, possibly with the smashed ute, and the person in particular is of Aboriginal/islander origin.

I think it is alcohol and not origin that causes these problems.

Offline Razorblade

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Re: 11th December 2005/ Cronulla Beach!
« Reply #123 on: January 23, 2006, 01:06:16 PM »
Moi - That article is just another example of the Lebanese and Arab community declaring war on white Australians, its an eye for an eye now and i would hope that any retaliation to that attack gets as much media coverage as this one has, which is simply 1 news article a day after the incident, but we all know the leftie media won't allow that to happen, it'll be the first story on the 6 o'clock news.

Hopefully some aussies stand up to them, the problem is not many people will know about it because the media won't report it because the lefties will cry incitement of racial hatred! What a stuffing joke this should be on the front page of the newspaper so people realise what is happening, that the lebs and arabs want a war with whites.

Offline Ethel Merman

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Re: First NSW, now Victoria...
« Reply #124 on: January 23, 2006, 03:25:24 PM »
I was going to put this in the other thread, but i believe this deserves its own thread.

Moi and Ethel, what say you about this incident?

The joys of multiculturalism...,5478,17897112%255E2862,00.html

I say so what, I say let the cops and courts deal with lawlessness, I say long live multiculturalism, I say ethnic vilification is a crime, I also say your slipping Razor, you didn't manage one reference to gang rape in the whole post.

I might be wrong in this but I get the impression that you reckon a violent response is appropriate.  If that's so will you be fronting up on say the 26th, Australia Day (tidy bit of symbolism), Aussie flag around the neck superman style to reclaim the Oak Park Pool.  You can escalate hatred and stage your own mini Cronulla.

Offline Razorblade

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Re: 11th December 2005/ Cronulla Beach!
« Reply #125 on: January 23, 2006, 03:34:45 PM »
A violent response is not only appropriate, but it is needed!

Its an eye for an eye now, they started it and any retaliations will be 100% their own fault.

These scum have to be taught that their rubbish is not welcome here.

As for mentioning gang rapes, what more is there to say than Lebanese are rapists and the left-wing community supports the gang raping of white women.


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Re: 11th December 2005/ Cronulla Beach!
« Reply #126 on: January 23, 2006, 03:40:13 PM »
Why not just kill everyone and be done with it ?

Offline Ethel Merman

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Re: 11th December 2005/ Cronulla Beach!
« Reply #127 on: January 23, 2006, 03:51:33 PM »
A violent response is not only appropriate, but it is needed!

Its an eye for an eye now, they started it and any retaliations will be 100% their own fault.

These scum have to be taught that their rubbish is not welcome here.

As for mentioning gang rapes, what more is there to say than Lebanese are rapists and the left-wing community supports the gang raping of white women.

"And Razor slams through another towering six pointer from outside 50".....  as a beaten Ethel Merman walks disconsolately around the boundary toward the players race....

Offline Razorblade

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Re: 11th December 2005/ Cronulla Beach!
« Reply #128 on: January 23, 2006, 04:07:14 PM »
Its ok, i understand your ability to argue a point ends when calling me a nazi doesn't work!

I've heard a few rumblings about this Thursday aswell in regards to the Cronulla area, the Lebs shouldn't worry about whats gonna happen through the day, but more so who will be waiting for them come nightime if they decide to come down again.

Other peoples words not mine.

Offline Ethel Merman

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Re: 11th December 2005/ Cronulla Beach!
« Reply #129 on: January 23, 2006, 04:31:40 PM »
Its ok, i understand your ability to argue a point ends when calling me a nazi doesn't work!
Argue a point?  What point?  Have you made one?  You flatter yourself 'blade.

Offline Razorblade

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Re: 11th December 2005/ Cronulla Beach!
« Reply #130 on: January 23, 2006, 04:38:40 PM »
I've been making points in this whole thread, you just keep ignoring them and calling me a white supremacist bigot!

How about telling me WHY multiculturalism is sooooo bloody great so i can destroy your reply like i did to Moi's attempt to justify it.


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Re: 11th December 2005/ Cronulla Beach!
« Reply #131 on: January 23, 2006, 05:19:39 PM »
I thought u were Greek Razor ?

Offline Razorblade

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Re: 11th December 2005/ Cronulla Beach!
« Reply #132 on: January 23, 2006, 05:33:50 PM »
 :o :o :o :o :o

100% Aussie here fox!

Offline Ethel Merman

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Re: 11th December 2005/ Cronulla Beach!
« Reply #133 on: January 23, 2006, 06:29:37 PM »
I've been making points in this whole thread,

If you call nonsensical accusations and smears like the following, "points" you've got a rather poor grasp of how to sell a concept.

another example of the Lebanese and Arab community declaring war on white Australians....but we all know the leftie media won't allow that to happen....the lefties will cry incitement of racial hatred!...that the lebs and arabs want a war with whites.

How about telling me WHY multiculturalism is sooooo bloody great so i can destroy your reply like i did to Moi's attempt to justify it.

Simple, multiculturalism is progress, it's the inverse of monoculturalism which I define as like minded types drinking each others bath water.

you just keep ignoring them and calling me a white supremacist bigot!

Wrong, the following is what I called you.

.....  a hypocritical bigoted racist.

You seem pretty keen to self apply the white supremacist tag are you some kind of KKK fetishist or what?

Offline Razorblade

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Re: 11th December 2005/ Cronulla Beach!
« Reply #134 on: January 23, 2006, 07:01:16 PM »
Nice selective editing Ethel!  ::)

Progress huh? Gang rapes, sexual harassment, gang violence, drug dealing, assaults, just to name a few of the crimes these ethnic minorities commit, and you call it progress!  ::)

Ethnics getting preferential treatment in the courts and from the police, whites getting charged with race crimes against ethnics yet ethnic never get charged with race crimes against whites.

White Australians having to compromise on Australian traditions and be labelled intolerant just because these ethnics don't like, and REFUSE to accept our way of life.

White Australians getting arrested at Cronulla for simply protesting, and yet only 1 Leb has been charged for the retaliation riots, and that has only happened in the last few days.

You ignore the fact that these ethnics on % commit far more crime then white Australains, you ignore the fact that Lebanese males go around gang raping and sexually harassing white women, yet if i criticize the "poor minorities" you label me a racist!  ::)

I am NOT a white supremacist.
I am NOT a neo-nazi.
I am NOT a bigot.
I am NOT a racist.

If your going to call me anything call me a nationalist.

Because of these ethnics whinging about any sort of criticizm and you delusional left wing nut jobs backing them up, the media are scared to report about ethnic crime because of the risk of being taken to court over "inciting racial hatred" by you wanna-be zealots.

The lifeguard attack in Melbourne should of been front page news and the first story off the cap on the nightly news, yet the only time i've heard about it is one small internet article on it.

I bet you, if it was whites bashing lebanese lifeguards (as if a Leb would ever volunteer to do anything besides rape women and bludge off welfare anyway) it would of been all over the media.

Multiculturalism has failed all over the world, and white Australians need to take back their country before its too late.