Sloppy start to the 3rd
- Balta kick into the corridor is off. Casey on the turnover spray the shot for a throw-in.
Weller's clearing kick is cut-off. Naish then cuts off the Casey forward kick. He then turns it over going back into the corridor. KMac intercepts in defence. Nobody wants to hold onto it. Turnovers galore by both sides.
- Turner to RCD on centre wing. Goes to HF. Good forward pressure forces a stoppage. Pickett hands to Grewar who goes inside 50 but it's cut off and Casey clear.
- Casey turn it over via a drop mark. Naish back into the corridor. Scramble and it's a stoppage.
- Morris pumps it inside 50. Weller can't get an effective kick away. Scramble. Aarts tackled and it's a ball-up 20 out. Casey clear.
- Courageous mark by Pickett. Lowers the eyes and finds Weller. Torp not perfect but still goes 60. Scramble off the pack. Aarts kicks off the ground makes something out of nothing. Goal!
Rich 8.5-53
Casey 4.4-28