From Prez Peggy O'Neal:
Could you please update the membership on the Club’s plans to divest itself from poker machine revenue?There has been a long-running matter before the courts relating to rental costs at the Wantirna Club. The matter was finally resolved in favour of the Club earlier this year. The implementation of the legal decision continues to be worked through.
Until these matters are finalised, the Club won’t be making any firm decision on the future of the Wantirna Club. As a Board, we are of the view that any decision to divest needs to be commercially responsible to ensure we do not risk the financial wellbeing of the Club.
The Board has a standing committee whose function is to monitor these matters and to provide advice.
It is disappointing that the Aligned Leisure business doesn’t get an explicit line item (in the financial report) but I assume it must be within the “Health, Fitness and Community Groups” – can you confirm?Yes, the Health and Fitness line in our financial reports refers to our Aligned Leisure business. The business generated a profit of $700K last financial year. This is a significant contribution to the Club’s balance sheet, and we look forward to growing that even further in the coming years (and COVID-free we hope) as the business matures and opportunities arise for us to expand.