Ummm.... no, going by the article in the ever reputable HUN there was one letter and it was sent to the RFC not hos lawyer
I share your seeming frustration with the quality of the journalism around this report but it is what it is in the press.
I don't think its particularly useful to focus on the details about how the issue is being pursued by lawyers on either side.
The details we do accept is that Balta assaulted a man.
Balta accepted a police brief about the assault and plead guilty (to be sentenced).
The victim of the assault has hired a lawyer to claim damages - both temporary and permanent.
Temporary damages would be based on a medical report from the hospital and ongoing medical treatment for physical injuries suffered.
Permanent damages would be medical-based on physical injuries and mental injuries based on the opinion of qualified experts.
We are all a bit sceptical about the validity of these long term mental injuries and doubtless the argument about them will continue up to and even beyond the settlement of this damages claim.
If there is any truth in how the victim's lawyer has complained about the "arrogant silence" I am a bit astounded.
Surely getting on the front foot and at least engaging with the lawyer would have been the best approach in the circumstances (guilty plea).