Sheedy would and that is the BIG difference.
See Bull (and I am glad you raised this) - how do we know? how do we really know. Do we assume he will because he played 251 games for the RFC.
He has had ample opportunities over the last 10 years in particulare to come back and chose not to for whatever reason. Now he (suuposedly) wants to come back - that doesn't seem to me putting the RFC first that seems to (me at least) Sheeds putting Sheeds first.
Just my take
this is my take
why sheeds would make a difference
because sheeds is teh new "mr football"
what did it take for a really f up sydney side , and i mean a really stuffed up one like our side to ressurrect itself?
it took a man called ron barassi
sure they didnt win a flag with ron, but ron changed the club inside out.
now when terry took over he gave hope, and let us believe we were gonna go ok and he was going to fix the train wreck created by spud
now the way i see it, atm, terry was doing a gr8 job at rebuilding this train wreck, and this yr, rather than put final touches to the train before really test driving it, he took it out for a spin and crashed the mutha train in such a way that the train is in worse shape than ever before.
terry somewhere along the line, didnt recondition this train right, somewhere he missed a part here and there, or maybe he just was really a qualified mechanic and was just someone who knew a bit about trains but really was no train engineer.
so enter sheedy, and with sheedy will come more sponsors , more members, much more publicity and thus more money to finally get the right ppl, to build this damn train from scratch again and do it right.
the more i think about , the more i am starting to believe terry really only has 1 skill, and that is of bs'ing his way into and out of anything.
just my food 4 thought 4 the day