I had to ring up Seven once to get some info on him for some work i was doing.
It was the day after he made one of his momentous stuff ups and he was in big trouble
Got put thru to their sports department and he answered the phone
So i thought i may as well ask him the questions straight to him.
Never met a more paranoid man - why do you want to know, who are you, what's my info to you
I explained what i was doing - which i won't here - and he relaxed a bit.
But he came over to me as a scared little rabbit lol
I don't like him much - or not dislike, cos i don't know him - more like i don't think much about his work because i think he''s trying too hard to get big stories that aren't there - and he seems to stuff up quite a bit. I think he's said some quite libellous stuff not once, but a few times.
If i was Seven I'd give him the old heave-ho!