Whats really funny as well was Plough bagging the hawks a few years ago, Most people here bag them , guess what, they will play finals with the team they have
They tanked for years and reaped the benefits. Not rocket science and definitely not to be admired like you do
And at the time Wallace "might" have commented (say might because I don't remember him bagging them, but I'm sure he did to you
they may well have been crap. Why bring it up here? Pointless comment
Whats really funny about most of you that you dont respect others teams at all.
And what's really hysterical
is you can't even comment on your own club winning but are in luv with another and post here. Why I don't know. Can give you the url for Bomberblitz if you like.
Only thing you had to say about our win was to comment on Deledio's hair lol
Don't bag us because we only want to comment about "our" club as if it's some sort of crime. It ain't.