Changes, ummmmmmmmm
Come end of week and there will only be 2 , i bet you
Terry Wallet, master of spin , full of crap.
Told you there would be 2. and what big axings they were, Polo and Hyde. Terry Wallet=Clown
jumping the gun. but hey nothing new there.
loose lips sink ships, well thats what Steve said to me the other night about certain persons that claim to know things about the RFC but in actual fact know jack....go figure.
good man is Mr Steve Wright.
If your that close to him, ask him to give me a call, he has my number. would love to talk to him, tell him a few facts.
i never said i was close to him, but we do catch up.
he knows of certain people pertaining to know inside knowledge about certain issues within the RFC, lets just say he/we had a chuckle and carried on our conversation.
he doesnt need you telling him your so called "facts" busy man is steve.