"I gave them an opportunity to apologise, I wrote to them and asked them please to apologise. They didn't do it, they just ignored me and I was put in that position.''
so realistically,this is about her neurosis of being ignored....because she is a woman in the football world.
I think it would take 2 of her to change a light bulb ;
1 to change it and one to perform oral on me :wallywinks
This is about a small group of women who,as a result of tasting a dose of independent success,
believe their opinion on what is,not a recent addition to football culture,will forever cement their names in AFL history and beyond.
Sammy is on the money in saying their is very little purpose for women within a football club.
Is it his fault the women cant face fact in their quest for AFL Equality ?
Do netball clubs give preference to female cast and crew - i belive so.
Who knows,maybe they should do us all a favor and have their tubes tied...along with their mouths.