I think Lids will be a better outside mid than in. His desposal, speed and decision-making is excellent so coming in from the wing would be my starting location for him. He'll need to do his fair share of hard yards at the bottom of the pack but I don't see this aspect of his game as a natural component. Dusty, Cotch and even Foley seem to have more edge to them and the 'getting down and dirty' is part and parcel of their games.
I agree with MT about the tag. Lids struggled with this big time in the past but then again, so did Martin last year when he was first faced with it. I think the difference though now is 1) Lids knows more strategies and has the physical strength (always had the speed/endurance) how to beat a tag, 2) Lids is not the best midfielder in the team by a significant margin in fact, currently, he sits well below Cotchin, 3)there is multiple players to assist and take the pressure off Lids - if he has a bad day we don't lose the stoppages contests outright.
I think the biggest influencing factor for the move is Houli's form at the end of last season coming off the HB. He was excellent. With Morris and Dea ready to play here, the additional depth in the area gives us far more flexibility to move around our better players in the areas where they can have the greatest influence on the game.
Overall I'm very excited about the move because, if for no other reason, it shows us that we are finally building up the depth that we have all craved for years.