Why can't these crackpots understand and accept that it's very possible for buildings to collapse like a deck of cards. It happens all the time around the world.
Yes and no.
A bit of skepticism is a healthy thing. Doesnt make you some bat-poot crazy, faaaaaar left keyboard loser.
False flags. Google this term and youll find scores of acts of violence undertaken which have been since admitted to as being manufactured by senior governments officials and the like.
As an example, its generally accepted as a fact these days that the Gulf of Tonkin incident was manufactured to get the US into the Vietnam war. How many people died?
What do people believe as part of the children overboard fiasco?
False flags are a real possibility in our world.
You suggesting the US have staged attacks to go to war or invade other countries to take over oil fields or gain something else? Preposterous. Bush and Cheney liberated the Iraqis.
Pull your socks up dooks. Unaustralian comment that
We were also nice enough to liberate te afgan poppy fields from te terrible mujaheddin
Fancy having te gaul to not sell herion cause it's apparently unislamic ... Well I never
https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Opium_production_in_AfghanistanI expect us to win these wars on drugs and terror any day now
Why can't these crackpots understand and accept that it's very possible for buildings to collapse like a deck of cards. It happens all the time around the world.
Even ones which plane don't fly into - like Giuliani's emergency command bunker / wtc7