Author Topic: Australian Politics thread [merged]  (Read 786003 times)

Offline Francois Jackson

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Re: Australian Politics thread [merged]
« Reply #5745 on: May 21, 2022, 02:47:53 PM »
Yep 👍 our local had em. Always tastes good.
Currently a member of the Roupies, and employed by the great man Roup.

Offline Francois Jackson

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Re: Australian Politics thread [merged]
« Reply #5746 on: May 22, 2022, 12:10:48 AM »
shes all over. Quite a smashing in WA, but not overly surprising elsewhere the independents have taken over.

I dont know about this seat of higgins but a mate i spoke to at the G tonight said it takes in south yarra armadale which is even bigger than kooyong i would have thought.

anyway lets see what this bloke has to offer as the people have shown they arent happy with either party at present.

Currently a member of the Roupies, and employed by the great man Roup.

Offline WilliamPowell

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Re: Australian Politics thread [merged]
« Reply #5747 on: May 22, 2022, 04:42:11 PM »
HUN now saying the ALP will have a majority govt, which if they are right I will admit I'm genuinely surprised about

Not at all surprised by the LNP losses of Kooyong and Higgins. The LNP certainly didn't "read the room" in Victoria. One of their Senators (Hume) admitted they thought they'd pick up votes due to the dislike of Dan Andrews after our lockdowns and "disappointingly" they didn't. Staggering admission to make

The media are also suggesting that Pauline Hansen will lose her Senate seat. Will confess I really don't understand the "quota" system for our Senate

Frankie, agree with you about people not being happy with either party. Clearly the primary numbers show that. Huge challenges ahead for the new government with the country so divided

And I haven't had time to reply to the below and i suppose it is a mute point now that ScoMo has been turfed out
Can't say I'm thrilled by Albo but the idea of another term with Morrison is surely worse.

This new policy they are suggesting whereby younger people can access their super to buy a house is bloody insane. It will only make housing affordability for first home buyers even worse and will damage their retirement savings.

Best thing to do would be abolish negative gearing progressively over a few years. If I buy blue chip stock and lose my cash does anyone give me a tax kickback for it? No. It's just a bad investment. Real estate needs to be treated the same - if you're losing money then you either wear it for the capital gains or don't bother over-extending yourself to properties you don't live in ffs.

Edit: people should be encouraged to put more into super. This could be achieved by implementing a tax-free contribution to replace negatively geared deductions etc. Would mean that more people dump money into super later in life instead of buying more houses.
WP would know for sure but I think you can use negative gearing on stocks if you borrow to pay for your margin (eg: if you're a stock trader) and your income from the stocks is less than what you've borrowed.

Sorry MT but I don't know as taxation was not my accounting discipline. So I am not up to speed at all with CGT or negative gearing.  :)

« Last Edit: May 22, 2022, 05:29:53 PM by WilliamPowell »
"Oh yes I am a dreamer, I still see us flying high!"

from the song "Don't Walk Away" by Pat Benatar 1988 (Wide Awake In Dreamland)

Offline mightytiges

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Re: Australian Politics thread [merged]
« Reply #5748 on: May 22, 2022, 05:20:28 PM »
loading up of teals in only LNP held seats has been a masterstroke by Holmes a court. Why isnt he loading up in ALP held seats? Reason is he knows he has their vote anyway, or most of them.

Kooyong already had a massive swing against LNP at the last election which if you have a look at the results and other contenders were all mainly left leaning, combined with the fact the demographic in the area has changed. There is only one result here from what i can see here.
The Teals are traditional small "l" liberals who believe the Liberal party has been hijacked by hardcore social/religious conservatives who have pushed the party away from the centre-right to the alt-right. Monique Ryan's views like most of the Teals are economically dry, pro-mainstream science and socially progressive. This is effectively a Liberal party civil war. It's why it's so personal and nasty. The Teals want to bring down the ultra-conservatives by attacking these wealthy progressive normally safe Liberal seats to deny the Liberal party government and force the party to have to move back to the centre to defeat Labor and win back power. Attacking Labor seats wouldn't achieve anything except maintain the status quo and they wouldn't win in traditional Labor seats anyway.   

I do find it bizarre that the modern LNP cheered on by the Murdoch media and the IPA see anyone who supports a mainstream science issue such as climate change as being politically "Left". Since when is mainstream science left-wing? :huh3 Can't a right-winger be an atheist? Can't a right-winger support the overwhelming evidence of AGW and use the need for change as an entrepreneurial opportunity? As conservative as Thatcher and Reagan were they were never anti-science. When greenhouse gases from human activity caused a hole in the Ozone layer they didn't see action to correct it as some left-wing conspiracy to create one-world government.

The modern LNP is so controlled now by ultra-religious DLP-types (Abbott/Morrison), Murdoch and the IPA that a number of traditional small "l" Liberal supporters see the party morphing into Trump Republicans where traditional Republicans who don't support Trump's BS like falsely claiming a rigged election are now mocked as RINOs (Republican In Name Only) and have zero chance of representing the party in parliament/congress. So much for individual freedom and standing up for truth! No wonder so many small "l" liberals are quitting and abandoning the party and supporting these Teal independents. They aren't switching to Labor.

Trump.  I've heard it all now. 100% garbage. So scomo goes to church waves his hands and he has seen as alt right now, or a trump clone controlled by rupert murdoch.  :lol :lol Before scomo was Turnbull, yep far right as they come that bloke. Nice of you to conveniently leave his name out.

So voters have no issues with with the pandemic, ICAC, climate change, scomo, cost of living, housing issues, changing demographic or the fact the LNP have had a good turn at it. Nope. Just cause scomo is far right and went to church waving his hands in the air. FMD were you were an alter boy growing up, as religion only pops up a lot with you.

If you look at the LNP policies they are more aligned with the ALP than ever before, which is the major reason many traditional LNP voters are deserting them  Look at everything over the last few years its hard to tell the difference, which is why i expect the majors to see a swing against them.  I live in 1 of these electorates so unless you do as well how the hell would you know what they are saying/thinking, let alone think its all about 1 thing. I have spoken to many in my area, some i know and and some i have met in passing. My view is is they are upset with things like the lies, housing, and pandemic to name 3. I have not heard one tell me its because they are religious or trump clones. An example of this is a guy across the road who is in his 50's and is upset that LNP didnt do enough to help people buy a house as he has been renting for 20 years with his family. Plenty of places in the west he could have moved to as they apparently grow up "faster" over there, or outer south east  like most people do to start off with.

People want change simple and by taking over LNP held seats like the ones in question, with big $$$ thrown in by climate 200, they rob them of a majority. People want change and have had enough of the 2 major parties hence why many say both leaders are dull and hopeless.
The Liberals have been smashed in their traditional heartland by pro-science socially progressive independent women. Do you still want to believe the Murdoch/IPA BS that the Liberals lost because they have moved to the "left"?  :lol

You state a whole list of issues that contributed to the election result and I agree with you on those. Problem is the LNP turns these important issues into this "cultural war" BS cheered on by the Murdoch media. More and more Australians have had enough of this divisive imported foreign Yankee political crap. The people decide who runs our country not the media!

Yes I live in what is now one of these federal "Teal" seats. Actually glad the election is over so my letterbox isn't filled daily to the brim with political pamphlets and my phone bombarded with unknown numbers calling me at all hours :thumbsdown. So I do know what locally is going on ;). Of the Liberals kicked out - we had Mr "I racked up a trillion dollar debt, bowed down to climate denialists & shafted my own home state" Fraudenberg, an IPA hack :wave, Morrison's captain picked religious nutter whose main focus was to hate transgender people :facepalm, and two other more traditional Liberals who didn't speak up and now have paid the price politically. Actually feel sorry for Zimmerman. Seems a decent bloke from afar.

Wealthy urban areas are more likely to be socially progressive, pro-tech/science and non-religious. That's just a demographic fact. The LNP pandering to anti-science non-urban Queensland hicks and ultra-religious loonies like Bernie Finn & Katherine Deves is now political poison in these areas. If the Liberals want to regain their old base then they are going to have to modernise their social and scientific views in line with the majority of society. As I said in my previous post most of these issues aren't politically "left" nor "right". They are and should be above politics as there's only one reality! The Liberals have thrown themselves under the bus for the Murdochs, Barnaby's Nationals and the nutjob Queensland LNP. The only state where the Liberals didn't go down the anti-science rabbit hole and for example held firm with its expertise-led covid health response and border closers similar to what WA did was Tasmania thanks to former premier Peter Gutwein. No surprise it was the state that swung against the national trend. It would've helped Bridget Archer in Bass too that she stood up to and distanced herself from Morrison unlike the Libs in the Teal seats.

ps. There's also a lesson for the ALP by the way regarding the seat of Fowler. Don't get too cute by half!
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Offline mightytiges

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Re: Australian Politics thread [merged]
« Reply #5749 on: May 22, 2022, 06:55:27 PM »
The media are also suggesting that Pauline Hansen will lose her Senate seat.
Oh please be true!  :pray

Will confess I really don't understand the "quota" system for our Senate
The voting population of each state is divided by the [number of senate vacancies + 1] to determine the number votes needed to win a senate seat (called a "quota"). If you get more than a "quota" then you get a senate seat and your excess votes are transferred via your preferences to other candidates. After each turn (highest to lowest votes) the candidate who achieves a quota via preferences is given a senate seat and the candidate with the lowest votes is eliminated. The process continues until all senate vacancies for that state are filled.

Here's the quota system fully explained with a working example.,result%20(ignoring%20any%20remainder).

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Offline Tigeritis™©®

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Re: Australian Politics thread [merged]
« Reply #5750 on: May 24, 2022, 12:14:33 AM »
loading up of teals in only LNP held seats has been a masterstroke by Holmes a court. Why isnt he loading up in ALP held seats? Reason is he knows he has their vote anyway, or most of them.

Kooyong already had a massive swing against LNP at the last election which if you have a look at the results and other contenders were all mainly left leaning, combined with the fact the demographic in the area has changed. There is only one result here from what i can see here.
The Teals are traditional small "l" liberals who believe the Liberal party has been hijacked by hardcore social/religious conservatives who have pushed the party away from the centre-right to the alt-right. Monique Ryan's views like most of the Teals are economically dry, pro-mainstream science and socially progressive. This is effectively a Liberal party civil war. It's why it's so personal and nasty. The Teals want to bring down the ultra-conservatives by attacking these wealthy progressive normally safe Liberal seats to deny the Liberal party government and force the party to have to move back to the centre to defeat Labor and win back power. Attacking Labor seats wouldn't achieve anything except maintain the status quo and they wouldn't win in traditional Labor seats anyway.   

I do find it bizarre that the modern LNP cheered on by the Murdoch media and the IPA see anyone who supports a mainstream science issue such as climate change as being politically "Left". Since when is mainstream science left-wing? :huh3 Can't a right-winger be an atheist? Can't a right-winger support the overwhelming evidence of AGW and use the need for change as an entrepreneurial opportunity? As conservative as Thatcher and Reagan were they were never anti-science. When greenhouse gases from human activity caused a hole in the Ozone layer they didn't see action to correct it as some left-wing conspiracy to create one-world government.

The modern LNP is so controlled now by ultra-religious DLP-types (Abbott/Morrison), Murdoch and the IPA that a number of traditional small "l" Liberal supporters see the party morphing into Trump Republicans where traditional Republicans who don't support Trump's BS like falsely claiming a rigged election are now mocked as RINOs (Republican In Name Only) and have zero chance of representing the party in parliament/congress. So much for individual freedom and standing up for truth! No wonder so many small "l" liberals are quitting and abandoning the party and supporting these Teal independents. They aren't switching to Labor.

Trump.  I've heard it all now. 100% garbage. So scomo goes to church waves his hands and he has seen as alt right now, or a trump clone controlled by rupert murdoch.  :lol :lol Before scomo was Turnbull, yep far right as they come that bloke. Nice of you to conveniently leave his name out.

So voters have no issues with with the pandemic, ICAC, climate change, scomo, cost of living, housing issues, changing demographic or the fact the LNP have had a good turn at it. Nope. Just cause scomo is far right and went to church waving his hands in the air. FMD were you were an alter boy growing up, as religion only pops up a lot with you.

If you look at the LNP policies they are more aligned with the ALP than ever before, which is the major reason many traditional LNP voters are deserting them  Look at everything over the last few years its hard to tell the difference, which is why i expect the majors to see a swing against them.  I live in 1 of these electorates so unless you do as well how the hell would you know what they are saying/thinking, let alone think its all about 1 thing. I have spoken to many in my area, some i know and and some i have met in passing. My view is is they are upset with things like the lies, housing, and pandemic to name 3. I have not heard one tell me its because they are religious or trump clones. An example of this is a guy across the road who is in his 50's and is upset that LNP didnt do enough to help people buy a house as he has been renting for 20 years with his family. Plenty of places in the west he could have moved to as they apparently grow up "faster" over there, or outer south east  like most people do to start off with.

People want change simple and by taking over LNP held seats like the ones in question, with big $$$ thrown in by climate 200, they rob them of a majority. People want change and have had enough of the 2 major parties hence why many say both leaders are dull and hopeless.
The Liberals have been smashed in their traditional heartland by pro-science socially progressive independent women. Do you still want to believe the Murdoch/IPA BS that the Liberals lost because they have moved to the "left"?  :lol

You state a whole list of issues that contributed to the election result and I agree with you on those. Problem is the LNP turns these important issues into this "cultural war" BS cheered on by the Murdoch media. More and more Australians have had enough of this divisive imported foreign Yankee political crap. The people decide who runs our country not the media!

Yes I live in what is now one of these federal "Teal" seats. Actually glad the election is over so my letterbox isn't filled daily to the brim with political pamphlets and my phone bombarded with unknown numbers calling me at all hours :thumbsdown. So I do know what locally is going on ;). Of the Liberals kicked out - we had Mr "I racked up a trillion dollar debt, bowed down to climate denialists & shafted my own home state" Fraudenberg, an IPA hack :wave, Morrison's captain picked religious nutter whose main focus was to hate transgender people :facepalm, and two other more traditional Liberals who didn't speak up and now have paid the price politically. Actually feel sorry for Zimmerman. Seems a decent bloke from afar.

Wealthy urban areas are more likely to be socially progressive, pro-tech/science and non-religious. That's just a demographic fact. The LNP pandering to anti-science non-urban Queensland hicks and ultra-religious loonies like Bernie Finn & Katherine Deves is now political poison in these areas. If the Liberals want to regain their old base then they are going to have to modernise their social and scientific views in line with the majority of society. As I said in my previous post most of these issues aren't politically "left" nor "right". They are and should be above politics as there's only one reality! The Liberals have thrown themselves under the bus for the Murdochs, Barnaby's Nationals and the nutjob Queensland LNP. The only state where the Liberals didn't go down the anti-science rabbit hole and for example held firm with its expertise-led covid health response and border closers similar to what WA did was Tasmania thanks to former premier Peter Gutwein. No surprise it was the state that swung against the national trend. It would've helped Bridget Archer in Bass too that she stood up to and distanced herself from Morrison unlike the Libs in the Teal seats.

ps. There's also a lesson for the ALP by the way regarding the seat of Fowler. Don't get too cute by half!

Interesting response MT and I liked how you used science a lot to make your point about people in urban areas being less religious and more progressive.

In regards to biological science, how many genders are there?
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Offline Francois Jackson

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Re: Australian Politics thread [merged]
« Reply #5751 on: May 24, 2022, 09:23:02 AM »
HUN now saying the ALP will have a majority govt, which if they are right I will admit I'm genuinely surprised about

Not at all surprised by the LNP losses of Kooyong and Higgins. The LNP certainly didn't "read the room" in Victoria. One of their Senators (Hume) admitted they thought they'd pick up votes due to the dislike of Dan Andrews after our lockdowns and "disappointingly" they didn't. Staggering admission to make

The media are also suggesting that Pauline Hansen will lose her Senate seat. Will confess I really don't understand the "quota" system for our Senate

Frankie, agree with you about people not being happy with either party. Clearly the primary numbers show that. Huge challenges ahead for the new government with the country so divided

And I haven't had time to reply to the below and i suppose it is a mute point now that ScoMo has been turfed out
Can't say I'm thrilled by Albo but the idea of another term with Morrison is surely worse.

This new policy they are suggesting whereby younger people can access their super to buy a house is bloody insane. It will only make housing affordability for first home buyers even worse and will damage their retirement savings.

Best thing to do would be abolish negative gearing progressively over a few years. If I buy blue chip stock and lose my cash does anyone give me a tax kickback for it? No. It's just a bad investment. Real estate needs to be treated the same - if you're losing money then you either wear it for the capital gains or don't bother over-extending yourself to properties you don't live in ffs.

Edit: people should be encouraged to put more into super. This could be achieved by implementing a tax-free contribution to replace negatively geared deductions etc. Would mean that more people dump money into super later in life instead of buying more houses.
WP would know for sure but I think you can use negative gearing on stocks if you borrow to pay for your margin (eg: if you're a stock trader) and your income from the stocks is less than what you've borrowed.

Sorry MT but I don't know as taxation was not my accounting discipline. So I am not up to speed at all with CGT or negative gearing.  :)

works the same way as property. You borrow for trading then the interest and fees are deductible if it exceeds the income it generates. Same as anything. Even if you borrow for bitcoin, or lose your cash on it then you can offset that loss against future gains.

I think she is still on track and clive palmer most likely gets one in Victoria. I could be wrong but thats how it looks to me. This is by lookin at abc results WP.

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Offline Francois Jackson

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Re: Australian Politics thread [merged]
« Reply #5752 on: May 24, 2022, 09:41:29 AM »
loading up of teals in only LNP held seats has been a masterstroke by Holmes a court. Why isnt he loading up in ALP held seats? Reason is he knows he has their vote anyway, or most of them.

Kooyong already had a massive swing against LNP at the last election which if you have a look at the results and other contenders were all mainly left leaning, combined with the fact the demographic in the area has changed. There is only one result here from what i can see here.
The Teals are traditional small "l" liberals who believe the Liberal party has been hijacked by hardcore social/religious conservatives who have pushed the party away from the centre-right to the alt-right. Monique Ryan's views like most of the Teals are economically dry, pro-mainstream science and socially progressive. This is effectively a Liberal party civil war. It's why it's so personal and nasty. The Teals want to bring down the ultra-conservatives by attacking these wealthy progressive normally safe Liberal seats to deny the Liberal party government and force the party to have to move back to the centre to defeat Labor and win back power. Attacking Labor seats wouldn't achieve anything except maintain the status quo and they wouldn't win in traditional Labor seats anyway.   

I do find it bizarre that the modern LNP cheered on by the Murdoch media and the IPA see anyone who supports a mainstream science issue such as climate change as being politically "Left". Since when is mainstream science left-wing? :huh3 Can't a right-winger be an atheist? Can't a right-winger support the overwhelming evidence of AGW and use the need for change as an entrepreneurial opportunity? As conservative as Thatcher and Reagan were they were never anti-science. When greenhouse gases from human activity caused a hole in the Ozone layer they didn't see action to correct it as some left-wing conspiracy to create one-world government.

The modern LNP is so controlled now by ultra-religious DLP-types (Abbott/Morrison), Murdoch and the IPA that a number of traditional small "l" Liberal supporters see the party morphing into Trump Republicans where traditional Republicans who don't support Trump's BS like falsely claiming a rigged election are now mocked as RINOs (Republican In Name Only) and have zero chance of representing the party in parliament/congress. So much for individual freedom and standing up for truth! No wonder so many small "l" liberals are quitting and abandoning the party and supporting these Teal independents. They aren't switching to Labor.

Trump.  I've heard it all now. 100% garbage. So scomo goes to church waves his hands and he has seen as alt right now, or a trump clone controlled by rupert murdoch.  :lol :lol Before scomo was Turnbull, yep far right as they come that bloke. Nice of you to conveniently leave his name out.

So voters have no issues with with the pandemic, ICAC, climate change, scomo, cost of living, housing issues, changing demographic or the fact the LNP have had a good turn at it. Nope. Just cause scomo is far right and went to church waving his hands in the air. FMD were you were an alter boy growing up, as religion only pops up a lot with you.

If you look at the LNP policies they are more aligned with the ALP than ever before, which is the major reason many traditional LNP voters are deserting them  Look at everything over the last few years its hard to tell the difference, which is why i expect the majors to see a swing against them.  I live in 1 of these electorates so unless you do as well how the hell would you know what they are saying/thinking, let alone think its all about 1 thing. I have spoken to many in my area, some i know and and some i have met in passing. My view is is they are upset with things like the lies, housing, and pandemic to name 3. I have not heard one tell me its because they are religious or trump clones. An example of this is a guy across the road who is in his 50's and is upset that LNP didnt do enough to help people buy a house as he has been renting for 20 years with his family. Plenty of places in the west he could have moved to as they apparently grow up "faster" over there, or outer south east  like most people do to start off with.

People want change simple and by taking over LNP held seats like the ones in question, with big $$$ thrown in by climate 200, they rob them of a majority. People want change and have had enough of the 2 major parties hence why many say both leaders are dull and hopeless.
The Liberals have been smashed in their traditional heartland by pro-science socially progressive independent women. Do you still want to believe the Murdoch/IPA BS that the Liberals lost because they have moved to the "left"?  :lol

You state a whole list of issues that contributed to the election result and I agree with you on those. Problem is the LNP turns these important issues into this "cultural war" BS cheered on by the Murdoch media. More and more Australians have had enough of this divisive imported foreign Yankee political crap. The people decide who runs our country not the media!

Yes I live in what is now one of these federal "Teal" seats. Actually glad the election is over so my letterbox isn't filled daily to the brim with political pamphlets and my phone bombarded with unknown numbers calling me at all hours :thumbsdown. So I do know what locally is going on ;). Of the Liberals kicked out - we had Mr "I racked up a trillion dollar debt, bowed down to climate denialists & shafted my own home state" Fraudenberg, an IPA hack :wave, Morrison's captain picked religious nutter whose main focus was to hate transgender people :facepalm, and two other more traditional Liberals who didn't speak up and now have paid the price politically. Actually feel sorry for Zimmerman. Seems a decent bloke from afar.

Wealthy urban areas are more likely to be socially progressive, pro-tech/science and non-religious. That's just a demographic fact. The LNP pandering to anti-science non-urban Queensland hicks and ultra-religious loonies like Bernie Finn & Katherine Deves is now political poison in these areas. If the Liberals want to regain their old base then they are going to have to modernise their social and scientific views in line with the majority of society. As I said in my previous post most of these issues aren't politically "left" nor "right". They are and should be above politics as there's only one reality! The Liberals have thrown themselves under the bus for the Murdochs, Barnaby's Nationals and the nutjob Queensland LNP. The only state where the Liberals didn't go down the anti-science rabbit hole and for example held firm with its expertise-led covid health response and border closers similar to what WA did was Tasmania thanks to former premier Peter Gutwein. No surprise it was the state that swung against the national trend. It would've helped Bridget Archer in Bass too that she stood up to and distanced herself from Morrison unlike the Libs in the Teal seats.

ps. There's also a lesson for the ALP by the way regarding the seat of Fowler. Don't get too cute by half!

Anti-science? Which state did that? You brought up states so tell me how we fared?  We decided to rip up contracts and waste money on rorts, so we got we deserved. There was nothing else that decided these teal seats apart from climate change rhetoric paid for by one man. Not religion as you foolishly suggested in a previous post or some trump garbage which followed. It was about climate and an anti scomo sentiment, much like it was against abbott.

Come next time when taxes are raised, as lets face it something has to give given the ALP history, then we may see a different tone of voice. Housing wont be more affordable as it hasnt in 100 years so the moans and groans will come. This time they had nothing to complain about as the ALP and LNP were aligned on just about everything :shh

I mean stage 3 tax cuts give a person on 200k an extra 9000. Albo said yep copy that we agree also. Since when does an ALP government agree to follow through on such a thing. Never!

This was a well planned campaign to not upset the apple cart and it worked. There was nothing to differentiate between the 2 parties so voters go yep we have had enough of them give someone else a go. Its reflected n the low primary vote for both.
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Re: Australian Politics thread [merged]
« Reply #5753 on: May 30, 2022, 05:54:03 PM »
Dutton is the new Liberal leader and opposition leader.

Littleproud replaces Barnaby Joyce as leader of the Nationals.

Offline WilliamPowell

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Re: Australian Politics thread [merged]
« Reply #5754 on: May 30, 2022, 09:22:19 PM »
Multiple news outlets reporting ALP have retained the Vic seat of McNamara

This is gives the ALP 76 seats in the House of Reps and a majority government

Still 2 seats undecided
"Oh yes I am a dreamer, I still see us flying high!"

from the song "Don't Walk Away" by Pat Benatar 1988 (Wide Awake In Dreamland)

Offline one-eyed

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Re: Australian Politics thread [merged]
« Reply #5755 on: May 31, 2022, 07:43:15 PM »
All seats in the House of Reps have now been decided.

Government: ALP 77

Opposition: LNP 58

Crossbench: 16 ....  4 Greens,
                             Katter Australia Party (Katter)
                             Centre Alliance (Sharkie)
                             10 Independents (Le, Scamps, Tink, Steggall, Spender, Wilkie, Daniel, Haines, Ryan, Chaney)


Albanese's ministry:

Richard Marles: Defence
Penny Wong: Foreign affairs
Jim Chalmers: Treasurer
Katy Gallagher: finance; women
Mark Butler: Health and aged care
Don Farrell: Trade and tourism
Chris Bowen: Climate change
Tanya Plibersek: Water and Environment
Bill Shorten: NDIS
Jason Clare: Education
Tony Burke: Arts; Employment & Workplace Relations
Brendan O'Connor: Skills & Training.
Clare O’Neil: Home affairs
Amanda Rishworth: Social services
Ed Husic: Industry and science
Julie Collins: Housing and Homelessness; Small Business
Michelle Rowland: Communications
Madeleine King: Resources; Northern Australia
Catherine King: Infrastructure, Transport and Regional Development; Local Government.
Linda Burney: Indigenous Australians
Mark Dreyfus: Attorney General
Murray Watt: Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry; Emergency Management
Andrew Giles: Immigration, Citizenship and Multicultural Affairs.
Anne Aly: Early Childhood Education; Youth.
Anika Wells: Sport; Assistant Minister for Aged Care
Kristy McBain: Industry Development and Territories.
Pat Dodson: Uluru statement special envoy

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Re: Australian Politics thread [merged]
« Reply #5756 on: May 31, 2022, 10:16:52 PM »
Really hope they fix up NDIS.

System is utterly F'd and it's dire in my department.

Most of them are stuck in the hospital system for 6-12 months with nowhere safe to live. A hospital FFS. People are supposed to leave within days to weeks it's not crisis accomodation!

Offline mightytiges

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Re: Australian Politics thread [merged]
« Reply #5757 on: June 04, 2022, 08:19:43 AM »
Interesting response MT and I liked how you used science a lot to make your point about people in urban areas being less religious and more progressive.
Simply based on the data from the ABS 2016 census. These wealthy urban areas have an above average non-religious population compared to the average national and respective state percentage.

No Religion %:    

Fed. Electorate                   State           Australia
Wentworth        33.0        NSW 25.1       29.6
North Sydney    36.7        NSW 25.1       29.6
Kooyong           36.6         VIC  31.7       29.6
Goldstein          34.8         VIC  31.7       29.6

In regards to biological science, how many genders are there?
Short answer is sex, gender and sexual orientation aren't the same thing and there is a spectrum of genders.

Long answer:
Biological sex relates to genetics/chromosomes: In Humans that's Female (XX), Male (XY) & Intersex (other combinations). Animals can have more via a mixture (eg: snails are hermaphrodites)

Gender on the other hand is more complex than that. Depends also on other factors including your brain morphology (how your brain was wired while in the womb). A "male" brain and a "female" brain are different and develop independently from the sex organs.

Sex Hormones and Gender Role Relate to Gray Matter Volumes in Sexually Dimorphic Brain Areas
Belinda Pletzer1,2,*
Front Neurosci. 2019; 13: 592.

In adults, larger regional [grey matter] volumes in males compared to females are consistently reported in subcortical areas, including the hippocampus, amygdala, basal ganglia and nucleus accumbens, in parts of the parahippocampal gyrus, in the cerebellum and the posterior cingulate cortex (PCC). Larger regional volumes in females compared to males are consistently reported in frontal areas, including the anterior cingulate cortex (ACC).
Accordingly, most measures assessing masculinity and femininity include personality dimensions, like expressivity on the femininity scale and assertiveness on the masculinity scale (e.g., Eagly and Koenig, 2006). It is thus possible, that a person’s perception of how masculine or feminine they are, depends in part on their brain morphology and chemistry. A recent fMRI study has assessed brain activation in men and women during the processing of gender-related attributes (Hornung et al., 2019), as are used to assess gender role (Gruber et al., in press). They found stronger activation for gender-congruent attributes in the amygdala and putamen (Hornung et al., 2019).

Sexual differentiation of the human brain in relation to gender identity and sexual orientation
Ivanka Savic 1, Alicia Garcia-Falgueras, Dick F Swaab
Prog Brain Res. 2010;186:41-62

It is believed that during the intrauterine period the fetal brain develops in the male direction through a direct action of testosterone on the developing nerve cells, or in the female direction through the absence of this hormone surge. According to this concept, our gender identity (the conviction of belonging to the male or female gender) and sexual orientation should be programmed into our brain structures when we are still in the womb. However, since sexual differentiation of the genitals takes place in the first two months of pregnancy and sexual differentiation of the brain starts in the second half of pregnancy, these two processes can be influenced independently, which may result in transsexuality. This also means that in the event of ambiguous sex at birth, the degree of masculinization of the genitals may not reflect the degree of masculinization of the brain. There is no proof that social environment after birth has an effect on gender identity or sexual orientation.

A review of the status of brain structure research in transsexualism.
Guillamon, A., Junque, C., & Gómez-Gil, E. (2016).
Archives of Sexual Behavior, 45(7), 1615–1648.

The present review focuses on the brain structure of male-to-female (MtF) and female-to-male (FtM) homosexual transsexuals before and after cross-sex hormone treatment as shown by in vivo neuroimaging techniques. Cortical thickness and diffusion tensor imaging studies suggest that the brain of MtFs presents complex mixtures of masculine, feminine, and demasculinized regions, while FtMs show feminine, masculine, and defeminized regions. Consequently, the specific brain phenotypes proposed for MtFs and FtMs differ from those of both heterosexual males and females. These phenotypes have theoretical implications for brain intersexuality, asymmetry, and body perception in transsexuals as well as for Blanchard’s hypothesis on sexual orientation in homosexual MtFs. Falling within the aegis of the neurohormonal theory of sex differences, we hypothesize that cortical differences between homosexual MtFs and FtMs and male and female controls are due to differently timed cortical thinning in different regions for each group. Cross-sex hormone studies have reported marked effects of the treatment on MtF and FtM brains.


And I'll finish with a little anecdote from long ago.

I met a transgender person for the first time by coincidence when I was 8 years old (1981). My late Mum would take me into the city to do some shopping once a fortnight and our last port of call was always McEwans (forerunner to Bunnings) in Bourke St between Elizabeth and Queen Sts. If it was around lunch time then we would pop into McDonalds across the road before going to McEwans. Back then the Maccas was a large ground floor area for seating with a couple of extra tables & booths on the first floor.

Prior to this day we had always got a table on the ground floor but this day it was packed and so Mum said we'll have to try upstairs. As we're climbing the stairs, I look up and see a 'guy' in a dress (8 year old mind remember) sitting at a 4-panel table in one of the yellow metal swing seats. Now it wasn't him wearing a dress that I thought was weird at the time but that he was wearing his grandmother's old clothes from the 1920s. A long black dress with old fashioned lace and that went down to his ankles with a slip.

The next thing that grabbed my attention was these three teenagers (two girls and a boy around 14 years old) sitting across from him in a booth calling him every name under the sun: p******, f*****, queer, etc. Worst still they were chucking their food at him including taking out the pickles from their hamburgers and piffing it at him. My Mum seeing this told me to wait at the top of the stairs while she walked over and placed her tray of food on the 4-panel table opposite side of the transgender person acting as a human shield. She then turned around and faced the teens.

Now my late Mum was barely 5-foot tall but when she got going she could peel paint off the walls like a footy coach. And boy did she let these three little pricks have it. "You've got nothing better to do than pick on someone else" .... "You pack of cowards three against one" .... "What a disgrace throwing and wasting food. There's starving kids in Africa you know!" Anyway long story short the teens left their mess and left in a huff walking past me down the stairs and out of the store.

So Mum walks back to the table and sits down and calls me over to sit next to her. Next thing Mum asks the transgender person about his life and all. He tells us ever since he was young he felt he was a girl trapped in a boy's body and now he wanted to make the change. He had only just begun hormonal treatment and was waiting to get the op. which was at a minimum a year away. Hence the long old dress to cover up his body all the way down to the ankles. By the time the chat was over we had finished our lunch and left first. Mum wished him best wishes with it all and as we got walked down the stairs and out of ear shot Mum gave me the old lesson: "You don't truly know someone until you walk in their shoes".

To this day this remains in my mind the most bravest and proudest moment of my late Mum  :thumbsup.

For the record, meeting a transgender person at an early age didn't make question who I was. I can remember knowing I was a boring old straight male since I was six when I pestered a girl in my class to have a photo together with me. The Western Suburbs makes you grow up fast  ;D.

ps. Oh I forgot one thing to tell you about my Mum ........................................ She was a Christian. A real one! A heart full of kindness and understanding; not one of judgement and hate. Do unto others whatever you would have them do to you.

pps. I've got my own commandment for the faux religious out there who try to dress up their archaic social and political views as "faith". If you want to believe there's some omnipotent creator of all things out there called "God" then you don't get the right to ignorantly and arrogantly tell this "God" how he did things :whistle.
All you touch and all you see is all your life will ever be - Pink Floyd

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Re: Australian Politics thread [merged]
« Reply #5758 on: June 07, 2022, 02:34:47 PM »
The Reserve Bank has lifted official interest rates for the second time in as many months while consumer confidence fell amid cost-of-living concerns.

RBA governor Philip Lowe announced a 0.5 percentage point increase in the cash rate to 0.85 per cent following the board’s June meeting on Tuesday afternoon.

Back to pre-pandemic levels.

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Re: Australian Politics thread [merged]
« Reply #5759 on: June 07, 2022, 03:08:30 PM »
It's all Dictator Dan's fault.
Yeah we're already going to vote for him mate, you don't need to keep selling it.....