KB saying on SEN that many Tiger players are nowhere fit enough. They can't do the 2nd, 3rd, 4th efforts to maintain pressure and have numbers around the ball clean up mistakes as the Eagles and Swans do. Hard to disagree.
We are a young side but our current fitness and weights staff have been at the Club for a long time. Longer than 3 years anyway. Time for a change?
I think its bloody obvious how deplorable that is.
If any of you manage to have a chat to Dr.Hayden Morris, ask him for his opinion on our level of fitness and conditioning.Its a very sad state of affairs i can assure you.
they are hopelss the fitness staff at rfc
i have been training and conditioning a 17yo local footy player here in geelong.
now this kid is 6'4". and was weighing 68kgs! he is no full time pro, still going top school, and been training with me since jan this yr. along with playing footy, school, and a part time job, this kid now weighs 82 kgs! now he is still light on, but buy start of season next season, i will have him weighing in at 94 kgs. he may even grow an inch also.
just by scientifically calculating his protein intake weekly, and plenty of power lifting and explosive exercises and applying plyometrics, he is now heavier, stronger faster than ever!
if this local kid can doing it, why cant pro footy players!
no steroids , no drugs, just proper diet, protein suppliments and creatine and lots of hard work !
not rocket science
* being an O Blood type has also been beneficial for his rate of muscle growth
rfc must only recruit kids with 0 blood types, 0 blood types grow muscle much faster and are more genetically designed for strong physical combat and development. and they heal much quicker and respond to protein a hella of lot better than other blood types.
bet the numbskulls at rfc dont evem know that!