coming from a personal training and strength and conditioniing background, i have been cursing our fitness and fitness staff for a decade now.
we are the slowest growing(muscle wise) team in the afl. every team each yr tends to improve their strength and fitness except us.
richo is a prime example, his arms should be as big as the g trains by now, and should have an explosive chest. but he still does not look like he has the right body for the job
sugar, by now, he should be as big as nathan buckley and mark ricciuto, but look at him.
joel bowden, his shoulders need serious work, he is the foirst to admit he hates the gym, and thats bad luck, he should have been forced to muscle u.
we have been the skinniest team for as long as i remember and the weakest
thank god JD is dead so he cant see them now