That fielding only got in on labor prefs too the rotten bastard, it was some ridiculous spiteful spat with the greens on prefs, the Greens lost that little battle but won the war, Labor needs them, the Greens couldn't care less . They have kissed and made up since but looks like this nasty religious zealot has forgotten just how he got his seat. Labor abandoned its traditional supporter base by moving further and further right. They forgot just who created them. Both sides are going to lose punters on the outer reaches. The Greens surge is no accident, most of the old Democrats that weren't into selling out like old Meg went over to them, they are providing the best option at the moment for lefties or those concerned with their major issues, and they are only getting stronger. I love it personally, Make the bastards work for it on both sides, no easy rides any more, make em get into bed with other parties so that their voters are represented too, not just steal their votes and ignore them. The libs have to rely on national votes or they would be completely irrelevant. Labor is going to end up the same way. I like the fact that a lot of independants' right or left, are that way because they made a moral stand against the BS and now they are getting a chance to flex a bit. Kudos.