Author Topic: wisbeys opinion of shane edwards  (Read 887 times)

Offline blaisee

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wisbeys opinion of shane edwards
« on: November 30, 2006, 04:54:59 PM »
Shane Edwards (North Adelaide)

180/69 mid-age right foot (dual-sided) wing/utility.

*STYLE LIKE: Burgoynes / Surjan.

*MY RANKING (not meant to reflect appropriate draft pick to use): 26

*PROBABILITY OF AFL CAREER: Likely. Ready year 3.

- Within an AFL team list, could prove capable of SUSTAINING a ranking of 10-15.

*HURT FACTORS (Offensive/Defensive/Negative): M / M-H / M


- Get ball, possibly inside traffic, then a very slick (probably short distance) give-off by hand, then immediately run on at pace.
- Bob up all over the ground with laudable but disconcerting frequency.
- Making something happen out of nothing
- Keen chase then keen tackle that may or may not stick.


- Upside
- Endurance
- Intensity and work-rate in both directions.
- Slick feeds
- Versatility


- Over-zealous running
- Kicking effectiveness.
- Tackling technique


- Skinny but frenetic, nimble, slick, innovative wing/utility. Incredible work-rate. Ranked mainly on upside based on what he has shown me in many bits and pieces over the last 2 years, rather than on a consistent body of work to date.

Much of this assessment might sound like he has a lot of things going against his chances of AFL. Actually, I really like him. He has been a constant improver and he has already played well in SANFL Seniors finals. I just reckon his output is capable of going from "handy" to "very good AFL" with a number of coachable tweaks and that he is currently raw in various ways but has exciting underlying potential. I've merely tried to focus on the things that you will be able to fairly confidently work on to help him go from "encouraging signs" to realising his real potential.

- I compared his style to the Burgoynes. That is somewhat misleading but he has some similar strengths and weaknesses and "make something out of nothing" capability. He is also very comparable to Jake Surjan in respect to work rate.

- I mentioned "innovative". Here's an example from '06. When the ball bounced shin-high to him (not on the run), he was going to be under some pressure as soon as he took control. Instead of taking possession and trying to quickly feed off, he deftly tapped the ball sideways with the outside of his right boot over onto the chest of a team-mate 3m away. I'm not necessarily agreeing that it was high percentage play but I mention it to highlight the sort of creative thinking and vision this kid possesses. (Incidentally, he then immediately took off downfield - More of that later but just to point out now that he is no lazy party-tricker).

- He has proved himself against men. Not only did he play 10 Seniors games (plus 8 Reserves games), he kicked at least 1 goal in the majority of games and was among North's best in the Seniors Prelim final. What impressed me most though was the fact that at that level and in finals games, he not only acquitted himself well generally but even as in First Dibs clearances in stints onball. For a not quite 18yo (at the time) who weighs just 69kg and is perhaps better known as a wing/forward, that's a decent indication of his AFL potential.

However, although that might make him sound plug 'n play, he is not. He is still very raw and, although he often does clever things, he plays an immature general game style (see below).

- Wasn't seen to best advantage in the '06 U18 Champs and his stats there don't read too impressively but he had just 53% TOG in total.

In fact, he doesn't often get the sort of stats his efforts morally merit. A large part of the reason is that his ethic is so good that he tries to run hard all over the ground to try to get to too many plays, chase too many opponents, and run too often in case an option or support might be needed. And he doesn't just cover ground in a "casual-pace cruising up the corridor" sense. He regularly bobs up literally in all areas of the ground within a couple of minutes, so hard does he push himself, and repeats that pattern most of the game every game. I don't often have cause to say this about a player but I would like to see him actually do less running. That is, ration himself so that when the ball comes into his area he is more frequently best prepared to seize the opportunity and have greater impact. He is currently inclined to be caught rushing to and from so many plays that he often tends to just catch or just miss a subsequent play or not have time to steady himself (mentally and physically). "Less haste, more speed".

He has terrific endurance but he will have to ration his petrol tickets for AFL or he'll be knackered by half-time. I'd rather the challenge of having to pull a hard-running kid back a bit than of having to inject some intensity into a lazy kid. I'm not overly concerned long term as it should addressable by coaching. I mention it mainly to explain why his stats and effectiveness can currently be less that flash over 100 minutes and to highlight a current aspect you will need to be address. In other respects, he is often footy smart (or at least instinctively quick-minded). He's not like a 12yo following the ball around aimlessly, as he is fairly likely to run to a position to defend or into space to create an option, not just towards the ball. It's mainly that he's too enthusiastic. He needs to become less frenetic and more impact-focussed.

That's the key to unlocking his real potential. I can't stress that enough. It impacts on many aspects of his game, including virtually all areas that I have identified in this assessment where he is currently less effective that he could be.

On the assumption you/he fixes this aspect, I upgraded him from "Possible" to "Likely"

Once you get him to run smarter, add a bit of meat on him, and address a couple of other very coachable aspects mentioned below, you'll likely have a good AFL player and quite possibly a terrific one, so untapped is his real potential due to his current over-enthusiastic running. and "freneticism". Not a Judd or McLeod but a "value plus" contributor with flair. At some time or other, I've seen him do something special in every single facit of the game.

- A year ago I might have been a bit concerned re injury durability. Except for a quad strain after the '06 Champs, he has stood up well this season though.

- I would draft him myself and would be prepared to part with a pick as early as my ranking if you thought it necessary (although it presumably won't be). I am confident he will be at least a good AFL player if you fix his main issue.


- Kicking can be mixed bag but overall I would rate it as "passable". He does some terrific kicks, including pinpoint passes but he duffs his share too. In particular, he sometimes tries to be too cute with dinky "nothing" kicks - and they sometimes coming unstuck.anyway. He needs to focus on getting higher hurt factor from his kicks. His kicking is better than it sometimes looked in the U18 Champs but it needs to become more reliable.

- Kicking style could use a bit of work. Like a lot of kids these days, his kicking action is too left arm dominant and swings his body 90 degrees anti-clockwise on contact. Costs him straight kick-through and proper COM transfer (hence depth and accuracy). His right arm does nothing. Also low take, early release and he is sometimes too stiff for a set shot for goal.

- Depth is at least fairly good but you could watch about 6 of his games without getting a chance to have a real handle on his depth. (He doesn't often kick for distance, preferring the 20-40m range).

- Genuinely dual-sided.

- Very dangerous around goals, especially close to goals. Very quick reflexes, quick to seize an opportunity and snap a goal out of nothing.

- Low kick to feed ratio.

- Handballs are usually accurate, often excellent, sometimes special and he can put power in them. Very quick hands. He is sometimes so slick under great pressure that you think he has fumbled the ball and was lucky it bounced off him into the hands of a nearby team-mate but, when you replay the incident frame by frame, you find he took the pill and fed it off in the same motion.

(see above)

- In close, his decision-making and feeding off are usually reliable and often excellent.

Because he does so much frenetic running, he can find himself at times having to rush his situation assessment and decision-making when caught rushing to or from a play and especially if subsequently needing to kick. Fixable.

Even so, he very often displays poise and good/excellent vision and decision-making, even under great pressure.

- Very quick mind. It is sometimes too quick for U18 and even SANFL Seniors team-mates at times but it will be in its element at AFL tempo and class.

- Reads the play well but needs to make better use of that ability (see comments re too much running).

- Very good at reading the "pack" spill (including ruck contests) and especially dangerous close to goals in this respect.

- Very effective quick side-step under pressure. I'd like to see him use it more often. (See next point).

- Despite his quick hands and reliability of same, there are times when I would prefer him to try to create space for himself to buy a bit of time to perhaps size up an option of greater hurt factor. He doesn't try for cheap options. It's just that his total disposals are capable of having more impact than they currently do.


- Usually clean, occasionally terrific.


- Not a big feature of his game but I've seen him take some very good contested marks. Hands are "usually OK" but he can be inclined to run under the ball or display some other misjudgement at time. Again, that is often when he is arriving a bit late.


- Pace is "good". He is often quicker than his DC time of 3.06 might suggest but he is no Danyule Pearce. Pace will improve further once he gets more strength in his quads to give him more drive power. His running action is fairly good (although he overextends his plant foot on occasions, which doesn't allow him proper "heel"-toe flex and COM transference, hence costs him a bit of drive).

- Incredible endurance. Huge motor.

- Good leap.

- Currently Aaron Davey-like skinny but he looks to have a frame that will add "enough" weight.


- Intensity and ethic are huge, especially for a guy with natural flair. Some players with his creative ability tend to only work in one direction and only when they can be bothered (eg Cupido). Not this boy. Tick accountability (to not just his own but also sundry opponents) and all the 1%er boxes. Runs hard both ways and without hesitation. That's good and not so good. (see above).

I can't recall any kid, even including Surjan who would be 2nd, who works on-field as relentlessly hard as Edwards.

- And he wins his own ball and is good one-on-one.

- Attacks the man with zeal, including front on. His tackles sometimes stick at U18 (.i.e. peer) level. Due to his light weight and technique, they often don't currently stick at SANFL Seniors level but physical pressuring will be a major Edwards' asset at AFL level once he bulks up and improves technique. At the moment he often tries to tackle too high up the torso and he is also not sufficiently conscious of the need to plant (brace) his own weight whenever possible and in particular try to first get closer to the opponent's body instead of reaching out as soon as he gets to within arm's length. (I don't mean that in a soft sense but in a "strive to get that extra half step closer" sense). His rate of effectiveness will improve dramatically once he concentrates on the technique improvements.

- When the opposition has the ball, he regularly makes a point of looking for, and manning up on, any free opponent.


- Output can be up and down but effort is consistent and will be at AFL also. Possession-wise, he sometimes has big quarters but not often big 4-qtr games. That can, and will, change if/when his major flaw is addressed.


- Only 180cm but likely to be very versatile. Has shown, even at SANFL Seniors level, a natural aptitude for First Dibs onball role. He will be possibly able to play that role at AFL but it will have to wait a fair while until he has bulked up enough. Meantime at least, his best role would be wing but he is well suited to HFF also. With more bulk, he would also make an excellent running defender, a la McLeod (but not as quick and more accountable). With his huge motor and ethic, he has the potential to be a run-wth.

- Most of the above paragraph is dependent on running energy expenditure (above).

(see above)

- No other known factors.


- Stats summary '06 U18 Champs:
Averaged 9 disposals and 1.0 marks in his 3 games. (Best TD 12). (Tot TOG 53%).
Averaged 8 kicks per 20 disposals.
Kicks long vs short: 1-4 (2 long per 10 kicks).
Ineffective kicks: 5/11 (4.5 per 10 kicks), incl 2 clangers (1.8 per 10 kicks).
Ineff handballs: 4/16 (2.5 per 10 handballs), incl 1 clangers (0.6/10 hb).
Ineffective disposals: 9/27 (6.7 per 20 disp), incl 3 clangers (2.2 per 20 disp).
HandBall Receives: 7/27 (5.2 per 20 disp). Uncontested marks: 3/27 (2.2 per 20 disp). HR+UM: 10/27 (7.4 per 20 disp).
Contested marks: 0 (0.0 per 20 disp).
Hardball gets: 4/27 (3.0 per 20 disp).
SP Clears: 2/27 (1.5 per 20 disp), incl 1 CBC (0.7/20 disp) and 0 other BU (0.0/20 disp).
Tackles: 5 (Avg 1.7 per game).


- Injury-affected '05 and quad injury end of July '06.
10 Seniors games, 8 Reserves games '06. Some handy SANFL seniors form incl Prelim final.

Offline mightytiges

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Re: wisbeys opinion of shane edwards
« Reply #1 on: November 30, 2006, 06:42:01 PM »
Thanks for posting that blaisee  :cheers.

Interesting read and comments about Edwards over-running. Sounds a bit like Blingers when he first arrived. Trying to do things too fast for his own good when slowing down a fraction would allow just that extra bit of time to settle. Nothing a bit of experience won't fix.

After seeing footage of Connors and now reading this about Edwards, it sounds we've added two footy smart players who can get the ball out of tight contested situations. Good signs for our future midfield.
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Offline one-eyed

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Re: wisbeys opinion of shane edwards
« Reply #2 on: December 04, 2006, 02:36:25 AM »
Sad to read Wisbey won't be posting anymore of his draftee profiles ever again.