Every now and again, on my escapades on the world wide web, I come across posts from posters who for some reason feel that they should be taken seriously by footy clubs and be given jobs.
Now look, every person on every site has an opinion, idiots like me run gimmicks- mine is to try and make a serious point somewhere in a post whilst generally taking the pee. Others go the complete comedy angle, others just post without agendas and thats good.
99% of us understand that its all a pee take on the net. How can people think seriously that writing up on the net entitles someone to a job in a footy club is beyond me, in particular i mean- recruiting of players, drafting of players etc. Some posters do it seriously (for some reason they go week after week and watch junior footy and try and give comprehensive draft guides etc, others see the carnival on TV and maybe go to a handful of games, for mine- those things do not entitle anyone to a job in an AFL club. Anyway, I reckon its sad when people get there hopes up and I reckon that clubs shouldnt be really allowing supporters to think if they do some voluntary work in that regards that they shall be given jobs. Thats just an opinion- I just wanna know if others agree.