Author Topic: Contoversial Topic #1 - Global Warming & Carbon Emissions Trading  (Read 102497 times)


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Re: Contoversial Topic #1 - Global Warming & Carbon Emissions Trading
« Reply #75 on: October 24, 2013, 09:49:57 PM »
There is no link between climate and bushfires. Idiots going and lighting fires has nothing to do with the climate its got plenty to do with their upbringing and education where usually they have been molly coddled by left wing socialist nutjob  teachers and parents who are usually sucking the life out of the federal social security budget by claiming the dole and fleecing the commonwealth of child support payments for about 7 kids usually to 5 different fathers including some abos and other no hopers.

Yeah, good try.


I thought it was a good effort myself  ;D

Offline Judge Roughneck

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Re: Contoversial Topic #1 - Global Warming & Carbon Emissions Trading
« Reply #76 on: October 24, 2013, 09:53:22 PM »
There is no link between climate and bushfires. Idiots going and lighting fires has nothing to do with the climate its got plenty to do with their upbringing and education where usually they have been molly coddled by left wing socialist nutjob  teachers and parents who are usually sucking the life out of the federal social security budget by claiming the dole and fleecing the commonwealth of child support payments for about 7 kids usually to 5 different fathers including some abos and other no hopers.

You forgot communist tree hugging Muslim lesbians

 Stop the bosts. Drown the sand-niggers. How dare they build mosks take center link in my country

Offline 1965

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Re: Contoversial Topic #1 - Global Warming & Carbon Emissions Trading
« Reply #77 on: October 24, 2013, 09:55:01 PM »
There is no link between climate and bushfires. Idiots going and lighting fires has nothing to do with the climate its got plenty to do with their upbringing and education where usually they have been molly coddled by left wing socialist nutjob  teachers and parents who are usually sucking the life out of the federal social security budget by claiming the dole and fleecing the commonwealth of child support payments for about 7 kids usually to 5 different fathers including some abos and other no hopers.

You forgot communist tree hugging Muslim lesbians

 Stop the bosts. Drown the sand-mans. How dare they build mosks take center link in my country

Bents, I appreciate the support but what the eff is a mosk?

Yeah we're already going to vote for him mate, you don't need to keep selling it.....

Offline Judge Roughneck

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Re: Contoversial Topic #1 - Global Warming & Carbon Emissions Trading
« Reply #78 on: October 24, 2013, 09:56:32 PM »
Where da terrorism comes from


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Re: Contoversial Topic #1 - Global Warming & Carbon Emissions Trading
« Reply #79 on: October 24, 2013, 09:57:11 PM »
Where da terrorism comes from

the streets of collingwood?  ;D

Offline Smokey

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Re: Contoversial Topic #1 - Global Warming & Carbon Emissions Trading
« Reply #80 on: October 24, 2013, 10:44:20 PM »

Offline 1965

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Re: Contoversial Topic #1 - Global Warming & Carbon Emissions Trading
« Reply #81 on: October 26, 2013, 12:49:16 PM »
As Pauline said....

Please explain.

Abbott likens carbon tax to socialism in speech to party faithful

The Prime Minister Tony Abbott has used Labor's internal leadership rivalries as ammunition to goad the Opposition into helping scrap the carbon tax.

Mr Abbott wants legislation to end the tax passed by Christmas but has so far failed to secure enough support in the Senate.

In a speech to party faithful in Tasmania, Mr Abbott said Opposition Leader Bill Shorten's change of heart on the Labor leadership is evidence he can alter his position.

Mr Shorten switched his support from Julia Gillard to Kevin Rudd before the 2013 federal election.

"We know that he's capable of changing his mind," Mr Abbott said.

"We remember what he said about Julia Gillard until quite recently. He changed his mind about her.

"Well Bill, if you can change your mind on your colleagues you can change your mind on something of far more weight to the people of Australia."

Mr Abbott also said the carbon tax was a socialist policy in disguise.

"Let's be under no illusions the carbon tax was socialism mask raiding as environmentalism," he said.

"That's what the carbon tax was."
Yeah we're already going to vote for him mate, you don't need to keep selling it.....

Offline Judge Roughneck

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Re: Contoversial Topic #1 - Global Warming & Carbon Emissions Trading
« Reply #82 on: October 26, 2013, 02:03:11 PM »
As Pauline said....

Please explain.

Abbott likens carbon tax to socialism in speech to party faithful

The Prime Minister Tony Abbott has used Labor's internal leadership rivalries as ammunition to goad the Opposition into helping scrap the carbon tax.

Mr Abbott wants legislation to end the tax passed by Christmas but has so far failed to secure enough support in the Senate.

In a speech to party faithful in Tasmania, Mr Abbott said Opposition Leader Bill Shorten's change of heart on the Labor leadership is evidence he can alter his position.

Mr Shorten switched his support from Julia Gillard to Kevin Rudd before the 2013 federal election.

"We know that he's capable of changing his mind," Mr Abbott said.

"We remember what he said about Julia Gillard until quite recently. He changed his mind about her.

"Well Bill, if you can change your mind on your colleagues you can change your mind on something of far more weight to the people of Australia."

Mr Abbott also said the carbon tax was a socialist policy in disguise.

"Let's be under no illusions the carbon tax was socialism mask raiding as environmentalism," he said.

"That's what the carbon tax was."

cant call him a fascist

dont wanna invoke godwankers law

but tony can call others commies, not-a-worry



Labor criticises changes to fire payments

12:37pm October 26, 2013

Thoughts with those hit by fires: Shorten

NSW fire appeals raise money, waive fees

"Australians certainly didn't vote for cuts to disaster-affected communities," Ms Plibersek told the South Australian ALP conference on Saturday.

"At this time when there is so much devastation, why would you withdraw that very modest amount that governments have given in the past to support people who are affected?" Tonyzz  :clapping

Federal government payments of $1000 per adult and $400 per child are now available to people who are injured or whose homes are destroyed or damaged in the fires.
It's currently being offered to affected people in the local government areas of the Blue Mountains, Lake Macquarie, Lithgow, Muswellbrook, Port Macquarie-Hastings, Port Stephens, Wingecarribee, Wyong, and Wollondilly.
But Ms Plibersek said people who had to flee the fires then return to find their home still standing but in need of serious clean-up efforts would miss out.
In contrast, she said, payments under the Labor government helped 400,000 people clean up after the 2011 Queensland floods and another 63,000 after the 2009 Victorian bushfires.
She acknowledged Prime Minister Tony Abbott had praised people fighting the fires and given personal assistance to the effort.
Earlier in the week, Assistant Minister for Social Services Mitch Fifield said the eligibility changes were designed to ensure people most in need got assistance first and the government would continue to assess the situation.
Ministers responsible for the payments were asked for further comment on Saturday.

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Re: Contoversial Topic #1 - Global Warming & Carbon Emissions Trading
« Reply #83 on: October 28, 2013, 12:17:00 PM »

Tony is a moron if he doesn't listen.

The ETS is cheaper.

Economists remain convinced carbon tax or ETS is the way forward
October 28, 2013
Matt Wade
Years of bitter political combat over climate change policy has left the economics profession unmoved.
Despite Prime Minister Tony Abbott's plans to rid Australia of what he calls the "toxic" carbon tax, the poll by Fairfax Media shows there is near-unanimity among economists that a market-based solution, such as a carbon tax or an emissions trading scheme, is the best policy option to reduce carbon pollution. This echoes similar surveys taken in past years.

Economists are convinced that carbon pricing will yield the greatest environmental bang-for-buck at the lowest economic cost.

Justin Wolfers, an Australian professor at the University of Michigan, says: "Abbott's plan doesn't effectively harness market forces; it relies instead on the government handing out cheques.

''One problem is that we'll end up subsidising a lot of abatement that would have occurred anyway. Another is that the plan imposes extra costs because it uses scarce tax dollars . . . All told, Direct Action involves more economic disruption for less of an environmental payoff."

Melbourne University professor John Freebairn said he favoured a carbon price because it encouraged millions of businesses and households to shift their production and consumption choices to lower pollution, lower price alternatives.

Read more:
Yeah we're already going to vote for him mate, you don't need to keep selling it.....

Offline Judge Roughneck

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Re: Contoversial Topic #1 - Global Warming & Carbon Emissions Trading
« Reply #84 on: October 28, 2013, 12:40:52 PM »
Shut up u commie bastard  :banghead

Offline Penelope

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Re: Contoversial Topic #1 - Global Warming & Carbon Emissions Trading
« Reply #85 on: October 28, 2013, 02:34:44 PM »
“For My thoughts are not your thoughts,
Nor are your ways my ways,” says the Lord.
“For as the heavens are higher than the earth,
So are my ways higher than your ways,
And my thoughts than your thoughts."

Yahweh? or the great Clawski?

yaw rehto eht dellorcs ti fi daer ot reisae eb dluow tI

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Re: Contoversial Topic #1 - Global Warming & Carbon Emissions Trading
« Reply #86 on: October 28, 2013, 02:50:16 PM »

 :police: Reported  ;D

Offline 1965

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Re: Contoversial Topic #1 - Global Warming & Carbon Emissions Trading
« Reply #87 on: October 30, 2013, 12:20:23 PM »

History will remember Rudd's apology and Gillard Disability care reforms.

I wonder how Tony will be remembered

Emissions target inadequate, says Climate Change Authority
October 30, 2013 - 11:17AM

Peter Hannam
Carbon economy editor

Australia's greenhouse gas reduction target of 5 per cent this decade is inadequate and should be increased to at least 15 per cent, according to the agency set up to advise the government on climate change policy.
In a draft report that is likely to ignite further debate about the Abbott government's policies, the Climate Change Authority said Australia should aim for a 15 per cent cut in emissions by 2020 compared with 2000 levels as a ''minimum option''.
The authority, which the Coalition has vowed to scrap, said it would represent ''an equitable share'' of the estimated global emissions budget that could limit global warming to 2 degrees by mid-century.

The draft report, which is due to be finalised by the end of February if the authority survives until then, also recommends considering an even deeper cut of 25 per cent by 2020 to allow ''a more consistent pace of emissions reductions'' needed out to 2050.

Authority chairman and former Reserve Bank governor Bernie Fraser said: ''If Australia is to take this science – and the below 2 degrees goal – seriously, it needs to act now and continue this effort over the long term.''

Read more:
Yeah we're already going to vote for him mate, you don't need to keep selling it.....


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Re: Contoversial Topic #1 - Global Warming & Carbon Emissions Trading
« Reply #88 on: October 30, 2013, 01:45:49 PM »
Shut up u commie bastard  :banghead

Does Bents get a Nobel nomination for Literature?  ;D

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Re: Contoversial Topic #1 - Global Warming & Carbon Emissions Trading
« Reply #89 on: October 31, 2013, 05:07:46 AM »
Climate change is not caused by humans
I'm sure the science community looks forward your submitted paper backing this up Smokey  ;D. For starters ...

You need to explain what natural phenomenon has caused CO2 levels to rise to 400ppm and rising (33% higher than the maximum of the natural fluctuation of CO2 levels (180ppm-300ppm) over the past 400,000 years or so due to the Milankovitch cycles)?

You need to explain what natural phenomenon has caused the ratio of Carbon isotopes C13/C12 in the atmosphere to fall over the past 150 years after this ratio had remained relatively constant for the past 400,000 years or so?

it has been happening since we had the Big Bang and will continue to do so until the next Big Bang. 
Ummm the Earth wasn't around at the Big Bang :nope and it makes no sense to say the "next Big Bang".

The planet has gone through a number of major climatic events in its history, far greater than the normal seasonal moves we see today and it will continue to do so in spite of what Gore and his leeching cronies scare people into believing. 
First part of this sentence is true but they can all be explained by natural phenomena. Add to that Humans weren't around when most of these major events occurred and the Earth's climate make-up was very different to that of today (eg: the Oxygen level in the atmosphere roughly a billion years ago was just 1%; it's rise to 20-22% spawned the evolution of macro-species).

The environment however, is impacted hugely by the human race and that's where we should be focusing our efforts and spending money - saving endangered wildlife, stopping pollution, harvesting land and sea in a sustainable way, not getting wealthy countries to line the pockets of those who suckle on the teet of the climate change industry.
It's not an either situation. Climate changes impact on the environment. 

The amount of carbon produced by humans is such a minute amount in the air that it has no discernible impact on the climate
I love this old red herring excuse on two fronts  :lol.

(i) The Earth's atmosphere is made up mostly of Nitrogen (78%), Oxygen (21%) and Argon (0.9%). Now the more mathematically inclined on OER will find that adds up to 99.9%. Now these three gases are NOT greenhouse gases. So only a very small proportion of the atmosphere (<0.1%) are greenhouse gases of which CO2 makes up currently 400ppm (=0.04%). Now the existence of these greenhouse gases, despite their 'small' proportionality, results in approximately a 20-30 degree Celsius increase in the mean surface temperature of the Earth (eg: 30 degrees higher than compared to treating the Earth as a "black body"). So small changes within the atmosphere can have significantly effects.

(ii) Your statement treats the amount of CO2 as absolute which is the wrong way of understanding how the Carbon cycle works. It naturally works in terms of a dynamical equilibrium between CO2 sources and CO2 sinks. Man is having an effect on both sides of this equilibrium and artificially unbalancing it. We are firstly taking Carbon-based substances (fossil fuels/hydrocarbons), which are buried and not part of the natural atmospheric Carbon cycle, and as a by-product of burning them to create energy, we are artificially adding excess CO2 into the atmosphere (ie. we have created an additional man-made CO2 source). We know it's man-made as the ratio of Carbon isotopes C13/C12 is different in fossil fuels than in the atmosphere and as a result we are altering this ratio in the atmosphere over time. Secondly, via deforestation, we are reducing the natural CO2 'sinks'. This dual effect combined is leading to this continual increase in CO2 levels which then leads to global warming and climate change. 

and to tax us for that is just an underhand way for governments and the world climate change industry (for that's all it is - a profit making industry for the elite) to rob us of money. 
Ah a conspiracy theory! Quite funny actually after listening on 3aw last week to a representative of the electricity wholesalers association saying that people with solar panels should be forced to pay more money to the electricity companies because it's not fair they aren't paying as much as they use to before they got solar panels  :rollin. Yep the fossil fuel industry isn't robbing us by jacking up our bills over the past decade even though we've individually cut back our electricity usage ::).

The world is not warming at a rate that will cause climate change, the sea ice in the world is not declining (in some areas it's increasing to record levels), the planet is actually greening itself more, and there is no significant change up or down in the number or type of catastrophic climatic events such as cyclones, fires, floods etc.  The climate has always changed and will always change regardless of what we do
Do you have an actual scientific source for any of this?

but what is happening at present is that some entrepreneurial types such as Al Gore have seized on their minute slice of time on earth to promote a campaign of fear that lines their collective pockets just nicely thank you.
Climate 'sceptics' are doing nicely themselves. As an example, Dr Willy Soon was funded almost a million dollars by Exxon, the American Petroleum Institute and Koch Industries. The Heartland Institute, which most of these 'sceptics' belong to, also received large funds from the oil industry in America; just as they received large funds from tobacco companies to take on medical science to dispute the link between smoking and lung cancer.

And the lemmings continue to march.............
Yes they do on wacko 'the scientists are out to get us' conspiracy blogs and websites  :lol
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