But WP isnt this endless speculation now hurting us as a club ?
its keping us in the spotlight for all the wrong reasons......
We would have know when taking ben ,what that ensued..so maybe we need to hang tough on this ..or better still be open and honest where we and ben stands,and that just might end the speculation
How many times do they have to end the speculation exactly?
The Club came out on Friday and said the latest batch of rumours are untrue - so what more can they do?
But then again going by what Jack tells us every single person at the Club is lying about everything
IMHO What is hurting this Club is:
1/ People jumping at showdows every time the media goes on one of its crusades against the RFC. People panic and dont (and I'll use your words here) hang tough.
2/ The other is clearly the continued leaks that no-one not even Benny Gale seems to be able to stop. Seriously have to ask how did Barrett get his info? No doubt from the scum bag leak at the club. Actually anyone (non media) who gets stuff from this creep should dob them in to the Club ASAP because that person or persons is/are hurting the club more than anything IMHO
If Ben kept to himself and didnt go out in public, these stories would never eventuate, not the clubs fault.
I would love to see Ben be BOG every week, ball is in Bens court to perform on the field and shut everyone up, I HOPE HE DOES< but reality suggests it wont happen
So Ben should lock himself in the house from the moment training ends until the start of training the next day? Please give me a break.
Have to fly (literally) I have a plane to catch and some folk in Perth to catch up with