Author Topic: SEN - Something is brewing at the Tigers  (Read 8566 times)


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Re: SEN - Something is brewing at the Tigers
« Reply #60 on: April 25, 2010, 10:40:11 AM »
But WP isnt this endless speculation now hurting us as a club ?
its keping us in the spotlight for all the wrong reasons......
We would have know when taking ben ,what that maybe we need to hang tough on this ..or better still be open and honest where we and ben stands,and that just might end the speculation

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Re: SEN - Something is brewing at the Tigers
« Reply #61 on: April 25, 2010, 10:42:12 AM »

Only one person would be to blame.
Would love to see him star every week, but that aint going to happen

Absolute crap....

Blind Freddie can see there are a number of people in the media (in particular) and people within football who want Ben Cousins' to "fail" and by default quit so they can sit at their collective computers and write "I TOLD YOU SO"

We have now have Tiger supporters turning on him and saying it's been a disaster and they should send him on his way - that's crap too. Because the FACTS are he has been very good for our younger players.

But gee it makes good copy to have people constantly take pot shots at the bloke. What is it called again "gutter journalism" Seriously, did Barrett need to go on the footy show in Thursday with his latest "shock horror" story? No he didn't but he did anyway.

That is the sort of CRAP I am talking about.

If Ben kept to himself and didnt go out in public, these stories would never eventuate, not the clubs fault.
I would love to see Ben be BOG every week, ball is in Bens court to perform on the field and shut everyone up, I HOPE HE DOES< but reality suggests it wont happen


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Re: SEN - Something is brewing at the Tigers
« Reply #62 on: April 25, 2010, 10:42:38 AM »
jack like the rest of us hang tough, yours as well as eveyone elses input here is much all helps to move forward our club at least from the grass roots
oopd sorry posted under the wrong thread

Offline WilliamPowell

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Re: SEN - Something is brewing at the Tigers
« Reply #63 on: April 25, 2010, 10:49:49 AM »
But WP isnt this endless speculation now hurting us as a club ?
its keping us in the spotlight for all the wrong reasons......
We would have know when taking ben ,what that maybe we need to hang tough on this ..or better still be open and honest where we and ben stands,and that just might end the speculation

How many times do they have to end the speculation exactly?

The Club came out on Friday and said the latest batch of rumours are untrue - so what more can they do?

But then again going by what Jack tells us every single person at the Club is lying about everything

IMHO What is hurting this Club is:

1/ People jumping at showdows every time the media goes on one of its crusades against the RFC. People panic and dont (and I'll use your words here) hang tough.

2/ The other is clearly the continued leaks that no-one not even Benny Gale seems to be able to stop. Seriously have to ask how did Barrett get his info? No doubt from the scum bag leak at the club. Actually anyone (non media) who gets stuff from this creep should dob them in to the Club ASAP because that person or persons is/are hurting the club more than anything IMHO

If Ben kept to himself and didnt go out in public, these stories would never eventuate, not the clubs fault.
I would love to see Ben be BOG every week, ball is in Bens court to perform on the field and shut everyone up, I HOPE HE DOES< but reality suggests it wont happen

So Ben should lock himself in the house from the moment training ends until the start of training the next day? Please give me a break.

Have to fly (literally) I have a plane to catch and some folk in Perth to catch up with  ;D

"Oh yes I am a dreamer, I still see us flying high!"

from the song "Don't Walk Away" by Pat Benatar 1988 (Wide Awake In Dreamland)

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Re: SEN - Something is brewing at the Tigers
« Reply #64 on: April 25, 2010, 10:55:23 AM »
Well, thats the price you pay.
Didnt see James Hird going to nightclubs
And Buddy Franklin has just about "'disappeared ""

Offline Mr Magic

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Re: SEN - Something is brewing at the Tigers
« Reply #65 on: April 25, 2010, 11:15:45 AM »

Only one person would be to blame.

Agreed. It's called personal responsibility.

I also am not of the belief that he's been of huge help to our youngsters.
Perhaps he helped a little last year but like Daniel said whatever knowledge he has imparted has more than likely been used up or spat out.

Facts are in Cousins two years at Richmond we'll finish 15th and more than likely 16th.
The biggest benefit to signing him was the financial windfall at the start of last season, aside from that it hasn't really worked as arguably the immediate distractions have been of more hindrance than any lasting benefits or supposed on field leadership.
He'll be moved on at year's end and we can concentrate on the future.

Offline 3rogerd

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Re: SEN - Something is brewing at the Tigers
« Reply #66 on: April 25, 2010, 11:56:15 AM »
Well, thats the price you pay.
Didnt see James Hird going to nightclubs
And Buddy Franklin has just about "'disappeared ""

if you think buddy has disappeared you need to get out more often. :shh
now there is a bloke that loves a bag wash.

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Re: SEN - Something is brewing at the Tigers
« Reply #67 on: April 25, 2010, 12:28:19 PM »
Drama queens love to dob Cousins in with the latest BS tidbit of rubbish.  So far I have seen or heard NOTHING of significance, absolutely nothing.  No crime, no scandal nothing at all, just innuendo, hints, and suggestions of things blown out of all mother stuffing proportion.  Ru Paul, Divine and co should head on back to commercial road for the shows and leave Cousins to his football, kk thanks.
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Offline Jacosh

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Re: SEN - Something is brewing at the Tigers
« Reply #68 on: April 25, 2010, 12:50:31 PM »

If Ben kept to himself and didnt go out in public, these stories would never eventuate, not the clubs fault.
I would love to see Ben be BOG every week, ball is in Bens court to perform on the field and shut everyone up, I HOPE HE DOES< but reality suggests it wont happen

So Ben should lock himself in the house from the moment training ends until the start of training the next day? Please give me a break.

Have to fly (literally) I have a plane to catch and some folk in Perth to catch up with  ;D

If he did lock himself away the media would have a field day making up crap about what he may be up to anyway, he is in a lose lose situation. 
I am the first to admit i didnt want him at the club initially but also said i will support him while there, that is what he needs right now support from not just the people at the club but also all RFC supporters.  Regardless of my own personal opinion of him, or if his on field leadership is outwardly obvious or not a lot of the younger players are still telling everyone how good it is to have him out there.   IMO if he can teach 1 player 1 thing each week he plays it is worth having him at the club.

Offline one-eyed

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Re: SEN - Something is brewing at the Tigers
« Reply #69 on: April 25, 2010, 12:57:36 PM »
Certain journos have contacts with staff at Tullamarine to give them flight lists so they know who is and isn't on what plane. That's where the latest rumour came from. Ben wasn't to be on the main squad's flight. Caro joked she's out of the loop because she doesn't have these airport contacts.

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Re: SEN - Something is brewing at the Tigers
« Reply #70 on: April 25, 2010, 01:30:29 PM »
Certain journos have contacts with staff at Tullamarine to give them flight lists so they know who is and isn't on what plane. That's where the latest rumour came from. Ben wasn't to be on the main squad's flight. Caro joked she's out of the loop because she doesn't have these airport contacts.

That is certainly the case

jackstar is back again

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Re: SEN - Something is brewing at the Tigers
« Reply #71 on: April 25, 2010, 01:32:32 PM »
Drama queens love to dob Cousins in with the latest BS tidbit of rubbish.  So far I have seen or heard NOTHING of significance, absolutely nothing.  No crime, no scandal nothing at all, just innuendo, hints, and suggestions of things blown out of all mother effing proportion.  Ru Paul, Divine and co should head on back to commercial road for the shows and leave Cousins to his football, kk thanks.

nah, not blown out of proportion you will find.
Didnt spend a period of time in hospital over a "'headache "" you know.
Lets move on and hope he gets a kick this evening