Author Topic: Boardroom tickets finalised - Miller to run on Casey's ticket  (Read 25218 times)

Offline harry bosch

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Re: Boardroom tickets finalised - Miller to run on Casey's ticket
« Reply #45 on: December 02, 2004, 09:18:08 AM »
by god

can the current admin do anything wrong in your eyes????

I don't see caros point about armstrong/miller but she is right about miller standing for the board

simply as a paid employee he should not get involved in it...

bottom line is people should vote based on who they  think is best for the club , not because they are scared
voting one way will lead to an important employee leaving..

you can dress this up anyway you want but it is blatant scare tactics and is a disgrace

if another club employee of some note was to come out in open support of the alterantive
everyone here woud be slamming them and the alternative..

as crap as the alternative is the current group is little better if at all..

where screwed whatever choice we make me thinks....

no doubt i will get bagged but i really can't see how people have no problem
with what miller has done...

anyway it doesn't matter anymore because miller has pretty much ensured
that he and casey will win this election and i really hope the people who think
casey and co are turning the club around are right...i really do...

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Re: Boardroom tickets finalised - Miller to run on Casey's ticket
« Reply #46 on: December 02, 2004, 10:00:49 AM »
by god

can the current admin do anything wrong in your eyes????

Yes Harryb - the people of who have been on the board for the Clubs financial year 2003/04 did do something wrong and personally I take it very seriously the fact we lost $2.19 million but please do not lose sight of the fact that 2 members of the alternative were part of the board that did this. Now they can continue to say they were not responsible or part of it but the fact remains that they were and my problem with these 2 has been and continues to be that they take no resposibility for it (old news).

However, the current board have have formulated a business plan that has the backing of the AFL, they have hired Steven Wright who not only has great credentials but is a Richmond person to boot. They have done something about the mess we find ourselves in and for that they get a tick from me.

I read Steven Wright's "10 point plan for the Club" and it looks good - it was positive and it was clear in its direction. I have concerns that if the alternative get this will stop because to me at least they are still yet to give me their plan - they said WHAT they want to do but have not told us HOW they intend to achieve it.


I don't see caros point about armstrong/miller but she is right about miller standing for the board

simply as a paid employee he should not get involved in it...

In a perfect world I'd agree with you Harryb - I said on Sunday (I think) that in desperate time people do desperate things. These are desperate times - Greg Miller obviously thinks so and he has acted.

bottom line is people should vote based on who they  think is best for the club , not because they are scared
voting one way will lead to an important employee leaving..

This whole situation is like some sort of balancing act - where you have to look at everything from every different angle and try to come up with what is best for the Club. That's what I have been doing for months now and I will admit my views have not changed. But I have researched everything to the best of my ability and I have asked myself a number of questions and as result my head not my heart is leading me in this election.

no doubt i will get bagged but i really can't see how people have no problem
with what miller has done...

I don't think you should or will get bagged Harryb - your concerns are valid as I said in a perfect world.... but the truth is the Tiger world has not been perfect for a long long time - we fianlly may have chance to get closer to perfect than before and that's why this election is so important.

The last 3 months have been (IMO) the most positive the Club's been for ages - you can feel, see it and hear it. Speak to people who work at the Club you can hear it in their voices, see it in their actions. I don't want this lost and I am very afraid of being ripped away again - IMHO we deserve better.

anyway it doesn't matter anymore because miller has pretty much ensured
that he and casey will win this election and i really hope the people who think
casey and co are turning the club around are right...i really do...

If they don't HarryB - you can say I told you so and can bag me all you like because I'll deserve it :thumbsup
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Offline harry bosch

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Re: Boardroom tickets finalised - Miller to run on Casey's ticket
« Reply #47 on: December 02, 2004, 10:03:47 AM »
hmmm well that was a little err emotional , i guess i am just frustrated as everyone else
about what is happening...
i just want it over and hopefully whatever happens the club can move forward...

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Re: Boardroom tickets finalised - Miller to run on Casey's ticket
« Reply #48 on: December 02, 2004, 10:12:31 AM »
hmmm well that was a little err emotional , i guess i am just frustrated as everyone else
about what is happening...
i just want it over and hopefully whatever happens the club can move forward...


 :rollin :rollin :rollin

That's what you get for being a Tiger fan - emotions, emotions and more emotions all of 'em

 :'( :banghead :rollin :lol :scream :sleep :help ::) :P :gobdrop :santa :birthday :cheers :shh :-\ :-[ 8)

And puke - we really need a "puke" face  ;D

But like you i"ll be glad when it's all over and we can get back to talking and enjoying the footy :thumbsup
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Online WilliamPowell

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Re: Boardroom tickets finalised - Miller to run on Casey's ticket
« Reply #49 on: December 02, 2004, 11:41:03 AM »
Anger at Miller ticket
02 December 2004   Herald Sun
Jon Pierik

REBEL Richmond leader Charles Macek has described Greg Miller's decision to align himself with the club's administration as "appalling" and unprecedented.

Miller, the club's director of football, has sensationally joined president Clinton Casey's ticket ahead of the bloody December 22 elections, prompting conflict of interest accusations.

In 35 years of business, Macek, a respected financier and board member of Telstra and Wesfarmers, said he had never seen anything like it.

"I cannot, in all of my 35 years of working experience, remember a situation where knowingly someone would put themselves in a situation in that conflict," Macek said last night.

"There is nothing under law to prevent that, but the situation is it would be an appalling conflict, an appalling governance outcome.

"I couldn't think of anyone that would actually allow it."

As football director, Miller has to report to chief executive Steve Wright. But, if elected on to the board, Miller would have a say in, if necessary, sacking Wright.

Wright, in return, would find himself having to report to Miller in his board role.

If elected, Miller, who works closely with new coach Terry Wallace, would also have a vote in determining Wallace's fate, a position that has dumbfounded Macek and many of the club's supporters.

"Here you are on the board, but you are working at the club, with the coach," Macek said. "Clearly that's an important position and yet you are on a board that can sack the coach.

"Now, how does that work?"

Miller said last night he would walk if the Macek ticket won power.

But he was adamant he could juggle both positions professionally if the Casey regime hangs on.

"On a day-to-day basis, I'll be answering to him (Wright)," Miller told 3AW.

"I'll do the job that I need to do. I'll do the things that need to be done. That can work."

Miller said he was prompted to make his stunning move because he felt there was great optimism at Punt Rd.

He began an overhaul of the football department two years ago and feels there is much to look forward to now Wallace and a bunch of talented young recruits had signed.

"I am concerned about the methodology and style of the rebel group," Miller said.

"I don't like the way they are talking. It's the Richmond of the past. It's just all nastiness."

Macek said Miller would be a great loss. "I have a high regard for his football brain and, if it was up to me, I would like to see if his football brain could be harnessed for the betterment of the Richmond footy club," Macek said.

An independent electoral adviser yesterday rejected the information the Macek ticket had intended to send to club members, meaning the $30,000 in mailing costs will have to be paid by the rebel ticket, rather than the club.

Nominations for the election closed last night,8033,11563108%255E20322,00.html

"Oh yes I am a dreamer, I still see us flying high!"

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Re: Boardroom tickets finalised - Miller to run on Casey's ticket
« Reply #50 on: December 02, 2004, 11:41:45 AM »
harry bosch, we all want RFC to succeed.  If for one moment I thought that the Alternative group had the ability and capacity to turn our fortunes around, I would be on their side 100%.  People here are not blinkered in their views.  They see very clearly.  We have looked at what both sides have to offer.

The current Board, in my eyes, has a clear direction.  Not only that, they seem to have got to the heart of our deep seated problems and are doing something about them.

We realise they have done things wrong and stuffed up along the way, but if you can see they are clearly trying to do the right thing by the Club then you can live with that, I can anyway.

On the other hand, even if the Alternative ticket were a cross between a caterpillar and Jake the Peg, they still wouldn’t have a leg to stand on, as far as I’m concerned, because you can easily shoot everything they say down in flames.

They say they are about democracy – they originally came out and wanted to take over the Board.

They say they are about unity – they have all but divided the place into every direction possible, just when we look to have things moving in a clear and focused direction.

They say we have financial problems - We can all see that.  We don’t them to tell us that.  What they won’t tell us is how they are going to fix it.  Meanwhile, the current Board has put together a business plan that has worked at other Clubs and, as WP said, has been approved by the AFL.  Where does the Alternative’s argument stand up that we are in crisis when the current Board has done something positive about the situation they have concerns about?

They put together a ticket that has been encouraged and urged on by coterie group members.  People in the background who have been making decisions for this Club for far too long.  If this group listens to them now, how many decisions will these faceless people make, were they to get in (God forbid).

We want to get away from this way of running (or should that be ruining) our Club.
The only way they could have had the slightest bit of credibility, when they first came out, was to identify the real problems at this Club.  They haven’t been able to do that because they don’t even know what they are.

Like others, I’ve looked at this from every possible angle.  Never once have the Alternative group ever given the slightest indication that they could help RFC in any way shape or form.

What we have now is a real direction and focus.  For the first time, people are genuinely excited.  I was briefly at training yesterday.  There were more people watching yesterday (1 December 2004) than I have seen at some training sessions during the football season.  Supporters are genuinely excited about the future and the changes that have happened.

They aren’t the illusion that has been created in the past. Because, this time the foundations for success are based on more than just hope, because we have and are getting to the core of where the problems are and have been.  So we can be genuinely excited about the future.

Greg Miller has identified the areas where things need changing.  Casey has supported him all the way.  Ask yourself, could he get the same level of support from the Alternative ticket, when clearly they are prone to listening to those in the background.  Would they have held their nerve as the current Board has, in difficult situations?  From what I can see, the efforts of Miller and Wallace could only be diminished under them.

Why stop the momentum created now?  What has the Alternative group got to offer?

It seems to me that we are being given this opportunity, after years in the abyss, and asked if we want to continue the direction we have now, or risk it all and go back to where we were.
Everything that is done in this world is done by hope.  --Martin Luther

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Miller to run on Casey's ticket - Sheahan's view
« Reply #51 on: December 02, 2004, 11:43:10 AM »
Only fair we give Mike his chance  ;D


Miller's bid carries big risk
02 December 2004   Herald Sun
Mike Sheahan

GREG Miller's commitment to the Clinton Casey administration is both bold and admirable.

It's also misguided and unnecessarily risky.

If Miller's principal concern is the welfare of the Richmond Football Club, as it should be, he was obliged to stay out of the political brawl.

As of yesterday, Miller formally joined the Casey ticket to contest the December 22 board election against the Charles Macek-led challengers, putting his tenure at risk.

Miller is a salaried employee of the football club, the director of football, probably the competition's most influential.

While it was Casey who lured him to Punt Rd two years ago, his fundamental obligation has to be to the club, the worst performer of the past 20 years.

His public alignment with the Casey group means it's now untenable for him to remain with the Tigers if Macek wins office.

That's a view both Miller and Macek accepted yesterday.

If Casey wins, it will have been a calculated gamble that paid off. Miller's stand might even decide the election; he is a mighty popular figure with members.

If the Macek group wins, even if Miller is successful at the poll, he will walk.

He will be lost to the club just when things are taking meaningful shape. Where, then, will coach Terry Wallace stand?

It was Miller, with Casey's backing, who lured Wallace to Tigerland, Miller who gave him a five-year commitment, Miller who oversaw the recruiting program that has created such excitement among the yellow and black fraternity.

Miller also drew Nathan Brown to the club 12 months ago. He is entitled to have a preference in the election, but he is a club official. His strength is in the field, not at the board table.

It is the right of the Richmond membership to determine who runs this football club. As a member, he has a vote. An estimated 18,000 fellow members will decide the next administration, as they should.

He should have allowed the democratic process to prevail. It was in Richmond's best interests.

After all, the challenge hardly is premature.,8033,11563135%255E19742,00.html
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Re: Boardroom tickets finalised - Miller to run on Casey's ticket
« Reply #52 on: December 02, 2004, 11:51:46 AM »
In 35 years of business, Macek, a respected financier and board member of Telstra and Wesfarmers, said he had never seen anything like it.

I have a question and I'd be interested in others views. :help

As stated above Charles Macek is on the Telstra board.... so...

I was watching Sky news last night and they were talking about Telstra Board meeting yesterday.

As you probably know The Telstra Board yesterday sacked the CEO - Ziggy Someone who's surname I cannot even pronounce let alone spell.

The news reports stated that since Ziggy has been running Telstra the share price has fallen from its issue price of $7 something to $4.61 (or close to that) - they said that was one of Ziggy's biggest shortcomings - in other words Ziggy as CEO is responsible. Fair enough too.

However my question is this why are the being held responsible for Ziggy's shortcomings like the Tiger board are for in this elction campaign?

Now I know Telstra is massive public company and the board would argue that they have sacked the CEO (given him $2 million payout too) so they have done something but cannot the same argument be used at the RFC? Underperforming CEO (the bloke who runs the business) sacked by board and the business being re-structured?


"Oh yes I am a dreamer, I still see us flying high!"

from the song "Don't Walk Away" by Pat Benatar 1988 (Wide Awake In Dreamland)


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Re: Boardroom tickets finalised - Miller to run on Casey's ticket
« Reply #53 on: December 02, 2004, 12:09:17 PM »
I'm so over this[/size] [/color]


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Re: Boardroom tickets finalised - Miller to run on Casey's ticket
« Reply #54 on: December 02, 2004, 12:53:50 PM »
fair comment WP

The main two reasons behind our debt are Ian Campbell and the one before him (i have had a mental balnk)

Sure they were appointed by the board, but they are still well respected people who most clubs would have considered.

I dont agree with Miller running for the board, maybe it might save Casey. I hope that it does, i will be voting for their ticket.

The one thing that is disappointing is that Miller states he is their for the members, if he truly believes that then he should not put his position in danger.
Sure there are others who can do his job, but i dont believe they can do it as good as him.

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Re: Boardroom tickets finalised - Miller to run on Casey's ticket
« Reply #55 on: December 02, 2004, 01:21:31 PM »
I dont agree with Miller running for the board, maybe it might save Casey. I hope that it does, i will be voting for their ticket.

The one thing that is disappointing is that Miller states he is their for the members, if he truly believes that then he should not put his position in danger.

Clearly, Miller doesn’t want the momentum of what has been started to suddenly come to a screeching halt.  If he believes in what he is doing so much, that he’s prepared to risk all then he must have good reason to make such a clear cut choice between one side over the other?  What makes him think they couldn’t do the same job as the current Board?

If he has been able to identify what’s wrong with this Club, has an eye for these things and has seen something in the other group that he doesn’t believe in, then he wouldn’t be going with Casey for no good reason, you would think.

Everything that is done in this world is done by hope.  --Martin Luther

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Re: Boardroom tickets finalised - Miller to run on Casey's ticket
« Reply #56 on: December 02, 2004, 02:40:44 PM »
I dont agree with Miller running for the board, maybe it might save Casey. I hope that it does, i will be voting for their ticket.

The one thing that is disappointing is that Miller states he is their for the members, if he truly believes that then he should not put his position in danger.

Clearly, Miller doesn’t want the momentum of what has been started to suddenly come to a screeching halt.  If he believes in what he is doing so much, that he’s prepared to risk all then he must have good reason to make such a clear cut choice between one side over the other?  What makes him think they couldn’t do the same job as the current Board?

If he has been able to identify what’s wrong with this Club, has an eye for these things and has seen something in the other group that he doesn’t believe in, then he wouldn’t be going with Casey for no good reason, you would think.

This is so true, he will be inhibited by the Alternative ticket no end. The alternates will feel that they will have to impose themselves on the place in order to justify there election victory should they win thus jeopardising all the previous good work done in the last few months by unwarrented interferance and imput, I know exactly where Miller is comming from.
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And the final Nominations are.....
« Reply #57 on: December 02, 2004, 05:01:24 PM »

RFC December 2004 Election of Directors
3:45:56 PM Thu 2 December, 2004

The election of the directors of the Richmond Football Club will be held ahead of the Club’s Annual General Meeting on December 22, 2004.

Under the Constitution of the Club, PricewaterhouseCoopers, as the appointed auditor, is the Returning Officer and will be responsible for the overall conduct of the election. As with previous elections, the election process will be run in accordance with the Constitution and the Election By-Laws of the Richmond Football Club.

Nominations for Board positions closed at 8pm on Wednesday, December 1.

The following valid nominations have been received (in alphabetical order):

Trevor Barrot

Garry Cameron

Clinton Casey

Robert Dalton

Brian Dungey

Robert Edgley

Sharon Hall

Michael Humphris

Don Lord

Charles Macek

Gary March

John Matthies

Greg Miller

Anthony Mithen

Maurice O’Shannassy

Colin Radford

Justin Ridge

Brendan Schwab

Peter Welsh

Bryan Wood   

Ballot papers will be posted out to all members eligible to vote early next week.

Members should note that all ballot papers must be received by the Returning Officer by 5pm on Friday, December 17 to be counted.

The results of the election will be confirmed at the RFC Annual General Meeting on December 22.
"Oh yes I am a dreamer, I still see us flying high!"

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Re: Boardroom tickets finalised - Miller to run on Casey's ticket
« Reply #58 on: December 02, 2004, 05:25:34 PM »
Seems most of the independents have backed off if the rumour of there being potentially 35 candidates running was true. It's mostly down to a Casey's ticket vs Macek's ticket.

Does anyone know anything about the two independents off the top of their heads -Brian Dungey and Justin Ridge?
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Re: Boardroom tickets finalised - Miller to run on Casey's ticket
« Reply #59 on: December 02, 2004, 06:17:24 PM »
However my question is this why are the being held responsible for Ziggy's shortcomings like the Tiger board are for in this elction campaign?

Did you mean "aren't being held responsible" WP?

Telstra is slightly different in the sense that one body - the Federal Government (in theory acting on our behalf) is the majority shareholder (51%). So the direction of the company in part comes back to the government who effectively appoints the TLS Board. The TLS Board will obey the major shareholder's (Government) agenda (gearing up for full privatisation). Don McGauchie, former National Farmers' president and staunch Howard supporter, becoming the new chairman on the Telstra board is part of that. The majority of us returned the government at the recent election (where the major issues had nothing to do with Telstra's performance) as our representatives in all this so the finger then gets pointed at the CEO Ziggy for the share price falling $3-$4.

Getting back to Richmond we have done the reversed. We've replaced our CEO and restructed the Club (company) before going to the polls. In any case to answer your question WP I'd guess the RFC is still back at the election stage compared to Telstra (Their AGM was held in late Oct around the time of the federal election) hence the RFC board is up for scrutiny now while Ian Campbell is long gone.     
« Last Edit: December 02, 2004, 06:34:17 PM by mightytiges »
All you touch and all you see is all your life will ever be - Pink Floyd