Author Topic: Boardroom tickets finalised - Miller to run on Casey's ticket  (Read 25185 times)

Offline mightytiges

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Boardroom tickets finalised - Miller to run on Casey's ticket
« on: December 01, 2004, 12:46:33 AM »
Casey's Ticket: Clinton Casey (president), Greg Miller, Maurice O'Shannassy, Garry Cameron, Don Lord, Gary March, John Matthies, Anthony Mithin, Rob Dalton.

Macek's ticket: Charles Macek (president), Brendan Schwab, Trevor Barrot, Robert Edgley, Sharon Hall, Michael Humphris, Colin Radford, Peter Welsh, Bryan Wood.

Well if we didn't know already which Caro supported we do now!


Tigers in financial turmoil
By Caroline Wilson and Dan Oakes
The Age
December 1, 2004

A damning financial picture of Richmond that raised doubts about the club's ability to continue trading as a "going concern" emerged last night with the release of the Tigers' 2004 annual report.

Raising serious doubts about the solvency of the club, the report said: "The company currently has a deficiency in net assets and current assets in comparison to it current liabilities."

The report, released as football director Greg Miller offered to join the ticket of embattled president Clinton Casey, said the Tigers, who announced a loss of $2.19 million last week, had already raised with the AFL the possibility of a financial lifeline worth $1.5 million.

"The Richmond Football Club Limited is economically dependent on the ongoing financial assistance of the Australian Football League," the report said. "This ongoing assistance provided by the AFL is in the form of a redirection order of up to $4.27 million to the ANZ Bank as security for the current borrowing facilities. The redirection order provided is not an advance of funds, however is an acknowledgement to our financiers that the annual distributions will be received in the ordinary course of operations. . . A guarantee has also been provided by the AFL to the ANZ Bank of up to $1.1 million for future distributions from the AFL in relation to the sale of Waverley Park . . ."

The report said the Tigers had also approached the AFL to receive income from the competitive balance fund if needed, a move that would put it amongst other financially struggling clubs the Kangaroos, the Western Bulldogs and Melbourne.

"The AFL has also agreed that it could provide access to the competitive balance fund upon receiving an application from the club. The club could access up to $1.5 million per annum," the report said, adding that the directors were confident "there will be no necessity to access the competitive balance fund".

Miller said he had made the decision to stand for the board yesterday.

"It was a long, thoroughly thought-through decision," he said. "I approached Clinton and his ticket because I just felt we had the momentum going and I didn't want to see it stop."

He has run the decision past coach Terry Wallace and CEO Steven Wright. Both have given their blessing and Miller said he would continue to serve as the club's football operations manager and saw no conflict.

Maurice O'Shannassy, a managing director of the Merrill Lynch investment management firm, will also stand on Miller's ticket at next months election.

Alternative president Charles Macek also released his alternative ticket in a glossy 10-page booklet outlining its plans for the resurrection of the troubled club.

The manifesto released by Macek's "Big 4" team, named for the Tigers' status as one of Melbourne's four biggest clubs, is accompanied by statements of support from a number of club legends, including five-time Richmond premiership player Francis Bourke.

"The record of the past five years speaks for itself," Bourke said in a statement.

"No one can claim we are better off than we were five years ago. That's why I am supporting change and the Tigers' 'Big 4' team."

Other former Tigers throwing their weight behind Macek's nine-man ticket include Dick Clay, Jim Jess, Emmett Dunne, Brendon Gale, Paul Broderick, Ron Branton and Paul Wright, son of Roy.

Brendan Schwab, vice-presidential candidate for the Macek faction, said that he was unaware of Miller's candidacy, but that if it was true it was symptomatic of the instability surrounding Miller's reign. "Our plans are for Greg Miller as a professional employee to head the football department of the Richmond Football Club and for us, through astute financial management, to greatly enhance his ability to carry out his job," Schwab said.

"We understand that Greg is deeply committed to turning Richmond into a success on the field and that's where his true abilities lie.

"We would be extremely surprised if Greg was to nominate as a candidate for the board, because that would require him to immediately resign his position . . . and would suggest that he has a political agenda which he takes more seriously than his professional challenge to turn the club into an on-field success."

Casey had wanted to recruit a former player to bolster his team for what promises to be a bloody fight, but was unable to secure the backing of a club legend. A disastrous attempt, instigated by Miller, to bring Rex Hunt on board last month was scotched when it became apparent that Hunt, to his own astonishment, was not a member.
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Offline harry bosch

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Re: Boardroom tickets finalised - Miller to run on Casey's ticket
« Reply #1 on: December 01, 2004, 12:59:16 AM »
Greg Miller , i thought you were better than that...

pee poor judgement...

Offline mightytiges

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Re: Boardroom tickets finalised - Miller to run on Casey's ticket
« Reply #2 on: December 01, 2004, 01:45:51 AM »
Miller believes strongly stability is the key to success and that we are finally on the right path. Although I hoped he wouldn't get involved because the last thing we need now is to lose him, I'm not surprised he's running against the alternative.

As for Schwab saying he would force Miller to resign. Well if the members vote for him Brendan who the hell are you to dictate who should or shouldn't be on the board. But you know what's best for the club better than anyone else including Greg Miller don't you Brendan  ::). What an ego! You're the one who has the political agenda >:(.
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Offline tigers80

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Re: Boardroom tickets finalised - Miller to run on Casey's ticket
« Reply #3 on: December 01, 2004, 01:48:16 AM »
well let the games begin as they say....

miller joining casey's ticket really wasnt that unexpected, there have been whispers for a month or so, have to agree it seems to be poor judgement on greg's behalf...

if the football department werent involved they are now, especially if its true that wallace and wright gave their blessing of miller joining the casey ticket...

isnt it amazing how the club is basically treading water and we have this stoush going on, would have thought the main priority here by all these people should be to all work together for the betterment of the club and set it right....

this is a complete farce and i believe will only get worse in the coming weeks...

Offline mightytiges

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Big guns fire at Punt Road / Miller to accept members verdict
« Reply #4 on: December 01, 2004, 03:17:30 AM »
Big guns fire at Punt Rd
The Australian
December 01, 2004

THE two groups at war for control of Richmond Football Club wheeled out their heavy artillery yesterday.
The challenger drew first blood, with the Charles Macek team boasting the backing of several of the club's most revered names, including Francis Bourke, Dick Clay and Jim Jess.

The incumbent administration, led by Clinton Casey, countered with a stunning move from left field: the decision of the club's director of football Greg Miller to contest the election.

Miller has put his job at risk, admitting to the Herald Sun last night failure either to win a seat, or winning a seat on a board dominated by Macek candidates, probably would see him depart Punt Rd.

Miller, who started the overhaul of Richmond's football department two years ago, and prominent financier Maurice O'Shannassy fill the two vacancies on Casey's ticket.

Miller is responsible for the club's $9.84 million football division. He lured Terry Wallace to Richmond as coach five months ago.

O'Shannassy is managing director of Merrill Lynch Investment Managers Australia.

The Macek group and its high-profile supporters continue to say it's time for change after yet another dismal season; Miller, speaking for the Casey group, says momentum built in recent months must be maintained.

I thought long and hard before I asked the Casey ticket if I could join them," Miller said.

"Some may say, 'Stay out of it', but if I am honest, I cannot sit on the fence. Too many good things are under way to start again."

Up to 30 people are expected to contest the nine positions at the election later this month, with as many as 12 independents likely to stand.

Miller pleaded yesterday for time for the club to consolidate.

"It disappoints me to see past players, past champions, past directors of the club take sides without really knowing where their club is up to," he said.

"It disappoints me that this election is being run on egos and personal agendas. Enshrine the past, yes, but it's the future that supporters await with anticipation and hope."

Miller, a former North Melbourne chief executive, said the Tigers were poised to replicate North's youth-inspired resurgence during the late 1980s-early '90s.

"We've got 13 really good kids, probably 15 of them.

"We had (draft) choices starting at 21 last year, and we picked up kids who are going to play 100 games for us.

"This year, we've had all the early choices. I watched the players train at Box Hill (on) Monday morning. To see (Richard) Tambling versus (Brett) Deledio, and the competition that exists already, was great. To see (Wayne) Campbell and (Kane) Johnson looking across and thinking, 'Wow, what have we got here' - It was really exciting.

"This is a group as exciting as what the Kangaroos were in the late '80s and early '90s. No doubt."

Miller said he canvassed his decision with Casey, Wallace and new chief executive Steven Wright.

"I just believe we have achieved so much behind the scenes. I don't want that momentum to change with a change of board.

"When I got the job, the first thing I said to the members was, 'Have patience, this is going to take 3-4 years to turn this club around'."

He said he understood the personal risks involved in contesting the election.

He promised to heed the message from the members if he failed to win a seat.

"If the majority don't believe I'm right, then that's fair enough, I'll bow out. I'm out. Obviously."

As for sitting on a board dominated by the Macek group, he said: "I don't know how I would react to working with a new board.

"Obviously, we'll see what the make-up of the board is like and see if there's a prospect of unity. I'll face that challenge when it comes up." He wouldn't speculate on what election defeat would mean for Wallace.

"The issue of football acumen on the board is raised from time to time; I think I can add to that, significantly."

In addition to his administrative experience, Miller played 52 games for South Melbourne.

"I really think it's important the members vote for a unified board, whichever way they choose," Miller said. "We've got 18,000 members who can vote; I want them all to have a say."

Miller said he had taken advice from mentors including former St Kilda and Richmond champion and South Melbourne coach Ian Stewart, and player manager and former North Melbourne general manager Ron Joseph.,5744,11551690%255E23211,00.html
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Re: Boardroom tickets finalised - Miller to run on Casey's ticket
« Reply #5 on: December 01, 2004, 03:23:16 AM »
To my mind, Miller - despite who he supports deeps down - is the new GR.
He is as cunning as GR, I would not want to cross him - and he seems to have a fire in his belly that he wants to be the person (along with Wallace) to turn this club around.
I liked Wallace's decision to come to the club - he wanted to be the person who unleashed the sleeping giant in the RFC.
I think Miller wants to do the same.
I hope he's elected - he has my vote.


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Re: Boardroom tickets finalised - Miller to run on Casey's ticket
« Reply #6 on: December 01, 2004, 03:38:16 AM »
God, this is a no-brainer.
Miller staying or Miller going - versus Bryan (who does he support?) Wood lol

Offline Rodgerramjet

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Re: Boardroom tickets finalised - Miller to run on Casey's ticket
« Reply #7 on: December 01, 2004, 04:42:55 AM »
It's been obvious for a long time that Miller and Wallace were in favour of Casey, what concerns me is if Casey's ticket looses or doesn't get the numbers up on the board, How is this going to effect Wallace as coach in regards to him operateing with a new board that basically will know that Wallace wasn't supporting them.

One point that Miller makes in the article which is of paramount importance is that when we vote we need to vote for a ticket, no matter which side wins you need to vote for the WHOLE TICKET to ensure a victory. Don't vote bit and piece because that will spell further disaster, we will have a board that is divided and people will be resigning because they cant work with the others or they don't have the numbers. If you want Casey then vote the whole ticket, If you want Macek then vote the whole ticket. That way it's clean and will put an end to the whole drama.

In my mind I don't hold this action of Miller joining the ticket with Casey against him, as far as i'm concerned he has a right just as much as anybody else to form an opinion and to back the group which he in his own mind feels comfortable and confident with just like the rest of us, this of course will not be a universal opinion and the knives from a few quarters will definetly come out after him.

Once again don't vote bit and piece, pick the person you want at the top and make sure you vote enough of his supporters to have the numbers in the end other wise we will have a complete disaster.
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Re: Boardroom tickets finalised - Miller to run on Casey's ticket
« Reply #8 on: December 01, 2004, 08:45:33 AM »
I'm not really up with all this and frankly it bores me.  I am concerned about the amount of money the club has lost over the years and for this, as President, Clinton Casey must be held accountable.  However, I think that Greg Miller and Terry Wallace are the best things to have happened to the club.  If Brendan Schwabb gets in, he'd have rocks in his head to get rid of Miller.

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Re: Boardroom tickets finalised - Miller to run on Casey's ticket
« Reply #9 on: December 01, 2004, 09:05:31 AM »
If Casey loses. Miller will no longer be at Richmond.
Bryan Wood will take over his role.

Offline harry bosch

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Re: Boardroom tickets finalised - Miller to run on Casey's ticket
« Reply #10 on: December 01, 2004, 09:10:53 AM »
Miller is a paid employee of the club , he should not be getting involved in politics and
allowing himself being used as a blackmail tool...

Miller gave his word to Wallace that whoever won he would stick around now he is clearly
breaking this..

Plus theres a  thing called conflict of interest..

Schwab would be well within his rights to give miller the flick if he won the election and
Miller also won a place on the board...

Its just sad that it has come to this , yet i bet people will somehow find a way to blame it all on the

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Re: Boardroom tickets finalised - Miller to run on Casey's ticket
« Reply #11 on: December 01, 2004, 10:05:19 AM »
Its just sad that it has come to this , yet i bet people will somehow find a way to blame it all on the

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Offline harry bosch

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Re: Boardroom tickets finalised - Miller to run on Casey's ticket
« Reply #12 on: December 01, 2004, 10:11:08 AM »
Oh , you were the first person who popped into my head  ;)

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Re: Boardroom tickets finalised - Miller to run on Casey's ticket
« Reply #13 on: December 01, 2004, 10:21:27 AM »
Hey Harry. What if Miller already knows he will get the flick if the alternative wins ?
I say have a go Greg Miller, stand up and fight

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Re: Boardroom tickets finalised - Miller to run on Casey's ticket
« Reply #14 on: December 01, 2004, 10:24:00 AM »
Bryan Wood as very little creditability. was at Essendon for years and then the alternative bag Casey as he brother is an Essendonian ::)