Captain cry baby called him 'and I quote' "Cop that you soft punt" when he cleaned him up last year, so I gather the opposition see him as weak, so will need to harden the f up a bit, mentally and physically and maybe he will be of service.
riewoldt is a wanker.
I read with interest how Ross Lyon believes that other clubs should show some compassion or as he said in today's Hun
"Just because you are on the football field, you don't leave behind the community standard.
If people are consistently crossing those (standards) it becomes an issue, and that's something the AFL consistently deals with, which is any form of vilification on the agenda."
I presume he is referring to opposition players sledging the Saints on the circus that
his players created and the
administration perpetuated post the photo scandal by going for this girl and underestimating her wherewithal in causing disruption at the club.
Maybe he should have a chat with his captain about community standards given what he said to Andrew Lovett in 2009 when he was playing for the Bombers. 
Ross Lyon give it up will you?
Every club in the competition should take note of these comments because if they can't take a few snide comments from opposition players - as their captain has already shown when getting Fish'n'Chips - then god help them when they cop some real pressure this year.