Hello LNP/Murdoch "cultural war" crap!
Sorry to break this to you but these days most of us "White Australians" are
NOT Anglo
. We're a mix. We don't need nor care about a foreign monarchy, a foreign country's flag, nor some fake day selling cheap foreign made plastic crap which no one buys, to feel and be proud Aussies. Hello virtual signalling!
The only ones ashamed of our nation are anti-independent Australia faux outraged cultural cringers who are still trying to shove their now irrelevant foreign allegiances down the rest of our throats. Sure, they could go and try to live in the UK like Pauline unsuccessfully tried to do
, but real Brits don't want fake wannabees and tryhards living there either. It's not the rest of us Aussies' fault that these crybaby cultural cringers feel caught between two worlds and now don't belong to either via their own ignorance of actual Oz history as well as their own scared of change snowflakeness.
#ProudIndependentAussie #RealAustraliaDay1stJan1901