Why not play Post ????
Nason or O'Reilly
Jackstar, you make complete sense.
However, the last six matches we need to play those nuff nuff's because we need to increase their value come trade week. Hopefully some club silly enough takes the "dirt" still at Richmond.
I personally can not stand Edwards who is just simply USELESS and for him to came 6th in our B&F last year obviously was the biggest over achievement I have ever seen.
This guy Wallace said "has magic tricks", he does something OK and then just fudges the football up!
We should TANK! If we finish 15th or 14th, we could get what??? 8 or 10??? Better then finishing 10th or 11th!!!
If Mr.Hardwick does not get rid of the "dirt" left at seasons end, he can have fun looking for a new employment!
Edwards is the first on that list!