Darren Gaspar - most overrated full back of all time. Had a couple of good years purely on spoiling (which got him into the AA side) but could never kick, dispose or evade even at a park footballer standard. Possession would typically include the following sequence of play: - fumble, pick up the ball, fall over (under no pressure), hand ball indirectly to the oppositions advantage, concede goal. Was happy to be on 600k a year at the same time.
Wallace - pootalker
Tivendale - Nicknamed 'apple' as in apple turnover. Had a appealing gait but kicked like a hooker on meth. Enough said.
Daffy - pedestrian who had no ticker, and regularly avoided physical contests.
Jackson - also known as Daffy 2.0. Cant kick, cant tag, and over the past 12 months has lost all speed. Shaping up to take the mantle this coming season. Has red hair too so even better to tee off at.
Special mention: -
David Cloke - put himself before the club in the 80's, and epitomised the downfall of the club. Has confirmed his selfishness in the management of the Cloke boys over the last 10 years. Arrogant, clueless money grabber.