Seen it...
Not enough of us in there, considering we have a handful of excitement machines- jack, dusty, cotch
I think there might be a foxtel add that has a fair bit of tiges?? Saw it with the lil one.
Jack high flying.
In the last few weeks, I've been able to show my daughter all the articles on tiges in the HUN our ne logo is simple and easy to identify, she's seen them on news programs briefly( quick tiges on tv dad),the foxtel tv adds, website including roar vision (great that) and most recently the billboard on punt rd with jack taking a screamer over a nort player- another foxtel poster.
Exposure is great for our club, especially tv coverage.
The best thing is with all this press there is something for my child to connect to. There's nothing better than hearing a 2yo trying to sing our club song without being forced or prompted. Just out of the blue.
This is a result of what they see and hear and obviously the merchandise and things like family day go a long way for a kid.
AFL give us more!!! Our kids don't want their team neglected