If there is interest, i will run, Yet Another Tipping Comp, this year.
How it works:
Each round you pick one team.
whatever margin this team wins or loses by, that is the score you get. ie if they win by 30 points, you get 30 points. if they lose by 30 points you lose 30 points.
your score can be a negative number
You must pick each side at least once.
You cannot pick any one side more than twice
Richmond must be one of the teams you pick twice
You cannot tip against GWS more than twice.
If you fail to lodge a tip by the first game of the round, you will get the first team playing away, interstate, that does not disqualify you.
Split rounds require one selection for the round, before the commencement of the round.
Richmond V Carlton, next week, will be regarded as the season opener.
I will keep tallies, but will not check you have abided by the rules. That is up to you. I will check the winner before handing out the prize though.
The comp will run for the home and away games only. If by chance there is a dead heat, the finals will be used to break the deadlock.
The prize?
This rare, one of only two known to be in existence, officially endorsed Iphone 4 cover;
Go all In people!