I warned rfc fans that when BEnny got the job that he was from a failures regime and that he was nothing but another scavenger coming to pick the last lot of meat off the carcus
He would fill the fans head with cheap political like lies and feather his own nest on his climb to the afl CEO job
I refuse to feed and listen to these rogues
I stopped after Spud Frawley
Honestly, get your head checked.
Brendan has worked wonders since coming to the club. FTF income, new Punt Road facilities, new Punt Road oval, 50k supporters.
Anyone blaming the CEO or the decision to move the game to Cairns as a reason why we lost belongs in an insane asylum. 15 other clubs in the AFL would go to Cairns and beat Gold Coast 100 times out of a 100.
Players and Coaches responsibility for on field performance, regardless of where the game is played.