i must be missing something as I'm unsure what the problem is with giving a new employee info needed to do his job.
As for someone telling you its BS, i doubt its possible. If the meetings were secret then only those supposedly involved would know, and as you say, why would he make that up.
But then again, I cant work out why they met in secret though. that doesn't make a lot of sense. maybe he is just making it up , or just bends the truth a bit to come across as a secret squirrel type?
You see no problem with Pahoff giving Helmut his info? What has Pahoff done in football that makes his "files" worth looking at? Surely this guy has to have some football background to be speaking on the phone with recruiters and having secret meetings with a guy running the football department. Why would Cameron meet with him in the first place? Pahoff has delusions of his importance and football knowledge (bit like some of us OER experts
) which just makes this whole thing incredibly ridiculous. Cameron is better off smoking a joint with BJ than listening to Phantom.
Agree with others that you're creating a storm in a teacup.
When Cameron came over (as List Manager), Miller was still very much in control but very busy with the added job of Director.
Presumably Miller got Pahoff to brief Cameron on the history of our picks to give an over view of the list.
No big deal to my mind since I don't think the club really had that type of data at hand at the time. Get it where you can.
Any discussion of Richmond's list would have included some opinion of Richo/forwards.
How seriously an incoming List Manager would take those is up to him but one would think Miller had already warned Cameron.
As for the secrecy angle, it would have been before the draft when Cameron was still a Melbourne employee.
Most do it, but it is really a serious no-no to be working simultaneously for two companies competing in the same industry.
As you say, Pahoff does have some delusions as to his importance and knowledge - as do we all - so I don't know why you take his story as gospel truth as to his influence.
If you've read his posts over the years you would realise that his opinions are very much NOT the actions taken by Richmond.
This case of trading out Richo is yet another.