It is reassuring that RFC has now finally begun to invest (draft, facilities and governance structure) in being a modern professional club and has adopted a mantra where the Richmond Football Club doesn’t just exist for the members, the club actually exists because of the members.Eat 'em Alive.
While the mantra is right in that the Club exist because of its memebers, seriously how many times have we handed our hard earned to help them out
I have over the last few months questioned do they really understand what it truely means. Just feel they keeping putting the hand out and in return (excluding the on field stiff) we get less and less
I can understand where your are personally coming from there Bill as you tip in the coin for the membership level you choose / afford.
Perhaps the level of interaction and access to the playing group is not what is once was, or the giveaways not to previous standards, but it is the AFL and now a commodity where supporters are measured by how much monetary support can be harvested per membership unit.
I've chosen to keep the Rioli club just in case and invest more time & money at a local club level because IMHO that is where the real Football is played and club land has a real connection to community rather than a corporate product which promotes brands rather than people.
Plus I get to have a kick on the ground before, during and after the game with my son & daughter.