I buy 8 kids memberships - they all get their packs delivered to their own addresses with their own names on the cards but if I call the club to make any changes etc they all appear under the general umbrella of my account number. Are mine counted as 1 or 9?
I do the same with the Peanuts up in Qld Smokey
And they are counted separately
They have their own account numbers (membership numbers) but they are linked (crossed referenced if you like) to my account.
The other person in our household who has a membership outside the "kids" (doggies) has a separate membership as well but their and my account are crossed reference as well.
I have three memberships.
Maybe it's time for my two boys to pay for their own memberships.
We could see a jump in memberships if everyone did this.
If it's in their names it would count. I had a vague memory of WP explaining exactly what he has today, that if they're in the same name, they don't count.
Exactly, that's how it was explained to me a few years back