Breaking news...Dustin Martin just had a crap..
Whether we like it or not, this is news worthy. Dusty copped a 2 weeks suspension when he was living with Connors last time - things were definitely NQR at the time, can understand this being a topic for discussion
lol dusty got a ban because of himself no one one forced that tablet and booze down his throat.
its not news worthy at all. good on the club for recognising the rights of martin and king to make their own life choices. all this having to be seen to be angels needs to cut and put away for good. time for the afl to recognise the comp is nothing but a reflection of what goes on in society. they need to understand that players are free to make their own mistakes and are in control of their own destiny in these matters.
where i grew up your mates were your mates and you stuck by em especially when they were ib trouble or having a hard time.
Absolutely agree, hes free to make his own choices, but people are kidding themselves if they think this is not newsworthy... and im as cynical as they come when it comes to the media and their nuances.
Fact is last time he hung out with this bloke, he was on a slippery slope so can understand why there would be some angst about it. You are always responsible for your own actions, but the company you keep definitely plays a role in what actions you take. Personally if he makes a mistake I couldn't give a stuff, he's his own man and free to do as he likes and bad luck to him if he stuffs up.