best they can do after winning a premiership lol, we would smash em if we had won one
And they have 20,000 from Tassie in that too!
And most of them aren't even Hawks supporters. Even my mum and her husband had a Hawks membership a few years ago just so they could go to the footy in Launceston where they live. It only lasted one season though, they said they got sick of sitting with Hawks supporters who's only chant was spelling "h a w t h o r n." 

About 80% of those 62,000 weren't originally dawks supporters.
They are the most fickle supporters in the league, if they were to have a bad run like us then just watch them all jump off & jump on board whoever is on top.
Bunch of pansies sissyters the lot of 'em.
Love child's of the late 70 and 80s. Glory hunters by genetics, the weakest of which succumbed to the temptations of the first generation prone to put individualism ahead of traditionalism.
The primary school try hard following success, whilst his loveless parents Bruce and Jenny argued every night over whether the ducted heating should be on, no longer able to look into each others eyes....such regret.
Somehow all those premierships make up for the pain, but is Julian, now with a divorce of his own, really happy?
A teenager on an unregistered dirt bike flys up his street, the windows rattling on his faux AV Jennings home in Mulgrave. It cuts him to the core. He realises, the world has changed. He yearns for the past. Of schoolyard beatings and icy cold nights. Of castle greyskull.
Now 42, he ponders his future. 'What ever happened to incinerators' he thinks.
As Julian thinks of last nights date, he realises he will retire with just enough super. He will even survive the impending wave of Chinese genocide, his mother's maiden name keeping him safe through the uncertainty. But will all those premierships make him happy? Are they earned, or are they pursued?
He dies a bitter man. He has had the fruits of life in spades, but does he truly value it?