Welcome everyone to One-Eyed Richmond's Tiger Forum Cheers from mightytiges and WilliamPowell.
Running flat out on the Alter G yesterday about to resume full running. Looking forward to seeing him on the park.
hhhaaarrgghhh hhhhaaarrggghhh hhhhaaaarrrggghh
Quote from: RFC_Official on January 13, 2015, 09:56:13 AMRunning flat out on the Alter G yesterday about to resume full running. Looking forward to seeing him on the park.Who else is on the injury list ? Is it only Benny Lennon?
Quote from: Phil Mrakov on January 13, 2015, 12:28:07 PMQuote from: RFC_Official on January 13, 2015, 09:56:13 AMRunning flat out on the Alter G yesterday about to resume full running. Looking forward to seeing him on the park.Who else is on the injury list ? Is it only Benny Lennon?Current rehab group. Rehab group basically means recovering from injury. No one is 'injured' and out of action, everyone is doing something at the moment, a pretty fit list for this time of year.https://fbcdn-sphotos-e-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xpa1/v/t1.0-9/1012978_10153029411573276_4096236156233916887_n.jpg?oh=4b9f7f30550a2e7e01f070470a3eb974&oe=5569E74F&__gda__=1432976677_eaa2453af917835e820e526d292c691c
Wonderful video - really captured the emotions of his whole family . Fantastic.
Maybe he watched it three months ago and left the comment yesterday.