Miles to Morris in the centre but Brisbane gain possession.
McIntosh gets it but kicks it into the man on the mark and it's goes out of bounds.
Houli hurried kick into the middle but Brisbane have the numbers. Ellis intercepts back in defence sitting in the hole. Towards Newy but it rolls out of bounds.
Houli to Cotch under pressure handballs to space. Brisbane get it but they muck around with it and the final kick is marked in defence by Houli.
Geez both sides are playing kick to kick
Houli free and finally we find a teammate in Edwards. Miles to Edwards towards Newy off to Astbury to Dusty inside 50. Brisbane though get it and clear.
Cotch crunches Robertson. Newy down as well.
Morris to Miles out wide to Chaplin to Hunt to Astbury who has gone forward. Towards Gordon but it's spoiled out of bounds.
Miles wobbly kick to HF. Astbury to Knights to Gordon down the line to Dusty and it's out of bounds again.
Grounddog day this quarter.