Does no one apart from Willy simply watch them and barrack for them because they just like the team? If you get zero enjoyment from just watching them do their thing good or bad, frustrating or not then I don't know why you bother even talking about them?
Well, it's like this, Mr Right.....
The thing with the formative years is, they're formative.
We are the byproduct of base level marketing, Australian social peer pressure and having grown up playing the game.
When something is wrong with something you think you hold dear to yourself, then like minded Genius will bond.
You're really quite lucky to witness such.
That and it's really fun watching the happy citizens revel in ignorance.
It's an interesting theory not without merit.
Psychologists reckon that as adults we are programmed to seek out partners which take on the relationship we had with our parents when we were young.
So if ones Dad was an arse and a control freak, we are drawn to the tension of partners that behave similarly.