Author Topic: Positives round three of the 2016 afl season : Richmond tigers vs Adelaide crow  (Read 1408 times)

Offline Stalin

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Martin showed a bit in backline


Ummm ...
Then he grabbed two chopsticks and stuck them in his mouth , pretending to be a walrus

Offline WA Tiger

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 :lol :lol :lol :lol.........same as the pies game.......just..... :rollin :lol :rollin

DIMMA - You will be held ACCOUNTABLE...

“We are really excited about what we have brought in. We have got great depth of players that can take us where we need to go. We are just putting some cream on the top at the moment,” he said.

Shaun Hampson is the No.1 man"

Offline TigerMonk

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Tigers can GF there is no positives from this game.

Cotchin just showed his class. Adelaide are not a good side. We are Pathetic. Please dont make the finals this year to give the fans false hopes

Offline wayne

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I went to Farmworld and missed most of the game is a positive
And you may not think I care for you
When you know down inside that I really do

Offline The Machine

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Firstly we should get an early draft pick :shh

Lloyd, Rioli, Cotchin and Rance with Menadue and Lambert showing goods signs at times. Yes, Hampson was actually good today :gobdrop

Game plan and skills kill us all day every day :banghead

B.Ellis and Houli produced their regular standard. If Ellis could run forward and break the lines he would be so much better but sadly he doesn't :whistle

All in all we got beaten by a better side with a better game style. Its that simple!


Offline Tigeritis™©®

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I went to Farmworld and missed most of the game is a positive
The club that keeps giving.

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The media will start hunting dimmer?
Caracella and Balmey.

Offline Loui Tufga

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Thought Llyod had his best game today, Menadue, Short and Rioli all show good things at times but all lack the confidence to take the first option. These guys are the way forward and we need to persevere with not only them but bring in a couple more from the outer!
Lennon should never be dropped again....

Elton for Chaplin
Butler for Grigg
McBean for Vickery/Hampson

Offline 🏅Dooks

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I went to Farmworld and missed most of the game is a positive

Fertilizer incoming in 3, 2, 1....
"Sliding doors moment.
If Damian Barrett had a brain
Then its made of sh#t" Dont Argue - 2/8/2018

Offline TigerMonk

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l laugh how we constantly get caught out pushed forward when the opposition has players at the back just waiting for us to turn it over. l had enough at half time & went home. l blame everyone at the club. This happens weekly. Round 3 WTFU

Offline Chuck17

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The rebuild is progressing well

Also a few of the softer fans are being weeded out

Offline lamington

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it was pretty frustrating to see them slingshot back into our D50 with 3-4 open options. Also Adelaide had some great passages of direct long kicking. We had that small attempted resurgence in the 2nd quarter where we actually did go long by foot but outside of that it was few and far between.

I was under the impression Ellis is meant to have elite fitness and is meant to be fairly quick? I'm surprised he doesn't use these skills to burn the opposition off on the outside.

Offline TigerMonk

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I was under the impression Ellis is meant to have elite fitness and is meant to be fairly quick? I'm surprised he doesn't use these skills to burn the opposition off on the outside.

l will answer that for you.   He is so fatigued running backwards, sideways that he is extremely fatigued. Take a look at how fatigued Rance was. That lad is simply over doing it. When it comes turnover time he don't have the energy to fight someone like Walker or chase a elusive Betts. B.Ellis like to over use the ball. C. Ellis will settle after a few more games.

l still remember many years a go a member wrote "We must draft Eddie Betts"  We took Trent Knobel   :santa 
He was spot on as every time Betts gets the ball. He kicks a goal or he set a goal up. That stayed in my head that post but l can't remember who wrote it.

Offline Stalin

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I was under the impression Ellis is meant to have elite fitness and is meant to be fairly quick? I'm surprised he doesn't use these skills to burn the opposition off on the outside.

l will answer that for you.   He is so fatigued running backwards, sideways that he is extremely fatigued. Take a look at how fatigued Rance was. That lad is simply over doing it. When it comes turnover time he don't have the energy to fight someone like Walker or chase a elusive Betts. B.Ellis like to over use the ball. C. Ellis will settle after a few more games.

l still remember many years a go a member wrote "We must draft Eddie Betts"  We took Trent Knobel   :santa 
He was spot on as every time Betts gets the ball. He kicks a goal or he set a goal up. That stayed in my head that post but l can't remember who wrote it.


Cause he has no left foot he closes off 50% of  the options, usually the more direct ones

The other team knows this,
Hence forcing him to kick side ways / backwards. Givin te opposition time to reorganise on the correct defensive position

Same as troy sideways Chappy; having no right foot and not being able to kick forward , when forced to the non preferred  side

Half the time they try dinky kicks on the favoured side, on the outside of the boot...  Which either go to th opposition or hang in the air for years. Cause they are fairy unskilled at it , unlike say dusty who can pull it of occasionally
Then he grabbed two chopsticks and stuck them in his mouth , pretending to be a walrus