He says this poo every time they lose, which is more often than not.
We make any team look good and the better ones great.
It's because of his pooness as coach and leader.
IDGAF about how "great" the team allegedly is that beat us
It's all rubbish, willy.
It just goes on and on and on and on......
Give you a tip Ox, don't pay any attention to what he says.
I don't
Seriously why bother, it only causes people to blow "woofer" valves
Haven't said attention to most of the stuff the Club's said for a few seasons now
They can say what they like, when they like and it makes zero difference
For me: Actions on the field are the only thing that carries any weight at all and right now our actions are sending a very clear message and that's they don't give arap and that they rate themselves better than what they actually are...