Author Topic: Tiger Training  (Read 1126959 times)

Offline mightytiges

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Re: Tiger Training
« Reply #15 on: January 13, 2006, 06:59:46 PM »
And is Vic Park still the same dump it always been  ;D :help ;D

It's worse :lol. Last year at the intra-club game you could watch from the grandstand along the Lulie St side of the ground. Now that grandstand looks like it'll keel over at any sec. All the supporters watching today (about 100 or so) were at the train station end only. 
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Re: Tiger Training
« Reply #16 on: January 14, 2006, 05:09:25 AM »
Squad photos

Moore, Pettifer, Hyde and Cogs.


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Re: Tiger Training
« Reply #17 on: January 14, 2006, 05:11:39 AM »
Drill 1

Limbach (red), Polo (IIRC), Joel Bowden and Sugar (red)


The boys lined up on the wing // Limbach, Sugar, Tuck + Polo and Raines

Moore, Roach, Tambo + Rodan and Howat
« Last Edit: January 14, 2006, 05:55:52 AM by one-eyed »

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Re: Tiger Training
« Reply #18 on: January 14, 2006, 05:17:30 AM »
Drill 2

Jackson, Roach and Lids


White, Hall and Browny // Simmo, Rodan and Oakley-Nicholls // Graham, Moore and Howat.

White, Patto, Browny and Roach // Hall, Roach and Browny // Browny

Limbach, Gas, Krak, Patto and Kellaway // Humm and Hughes // Tuck. Humm and Howat

Hartigan and Tambo // Pettifer, Tivs and Casserley
« Last Edit: January 14, 2006, 05:45:08 AM by one-eyed »

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Re: Tiger Training
« Reply #19 on: January 14, 2006, 05:22:11 AM »
Drill 3

Richo having a shot


Tambo, Pat Bowden, Limbach and Simmo // Pat Bowden, Staff, Simmo, Browny, Tambo and Limbach

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Re: Tiger Training
« Reply #20 on: January 14, 2006, 05:27:08 AM »
End of training


Browny, Sarge, Gas amongst others // Casserley and Jarrad Grant(?) leaving the ruins of Vic Park

Offline mightytiges

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Re: Tiger Training
« Reply #21 on: January 14, 2006, 05:43:42 PM »

This last pic sums up the state of Vic Park. Left to just rot by the Pies. So much for tradition they harp on about ::).

Good on the Tiges for keeping our base at Punt Rd unlike the Pies and Hawks who have abandoned their spiritial homes. Hopefully we get monies towards the $6.5 million upgrade and by 2010 we'll have one of the best club bases around.
All you touch and all you see is all your life will ever be - Pink Floyd

Offline WilliamPowell

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Re: Tiger Training
« Reply #22 on: January 15, 2006, 10:33:06 PM »
Good on the Tiges for keeping our base at Punt Rd unlike the Pies and Hawks who have abandoned their spiritial homes. Hopefully we get monies towards the $6.5 million upgrade and by 2010 we'll have one of the best club bases around.

Talk is MT that the upgrade would be complete by 2008 :o

As for the Pies - haven't you heard Eddie McHead says time and time again that their traditions mean everything to Collingwood - everything :chuck :chuck :chuck

Gee I love this  :chuck smiliey

"Oh yes I am a dreamer, I still see us flying high!"

from the song "Don't Walk Away" by Pat Benatar 1988 (Wide Awake In Dreamland)

Offline mightytiges

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Re: Tiger Training
« Reply #23 on: January 16, 2006, 01:43:17 AM »
As for the Pies - haven't you heard Eddie McHead says time and time again that their traditions mean everything to Collingwood - everything :chuck :chuck :chuck

In the old U19 comp after each match, the home team would put on a spread of sandwiches, sausage rolls, party pies and alike for both teams in a room in their respective social club. Ours use to be held on the ground floor of our current Social club overlooking the oval.

Anyway Collingwood would hold theirs in that stand in the above pic. To get to the food area, you would walk down their race (the same one in the movie "The Club") and on the way you would pass a room to your right that was like a shrine with magpies engraved on the glass doors and wall to wall glass cabinets containing their premierships and other trophies with b&w photos of famous players and teams from the past above them. It's amusing to now hear Eddie harp on about protecting Collingwood's traditions :chuck when that stand, that was so much apart of their tradition, was abondoned for the almighty dollar and left to be condemned. They sold their club's soul to the highest bidder.     
All you touch and all you see is all your life will ever be - Pink Floyd

Offline mightytiges

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Re: Tiger Training
« Reply #24 on: January 16, 2006, 06:52:47 PM »
As work is not far from Vic Park I went to see the Tiges train again today. Team skills were the order of the day. The session finished around 5pm. I got there about 3.30pm. About 25 or so people were watching.

When I rocked up, we were in the middle of a intra-club scratch match - blacks vs whites. The only guys not in it where Chaffey who was having a kick to kick with Jarrad Grant and Browny and Tivs who were practicing one-on-one marking with a trainer kicking the ball to them. Browny was also kicking the ball back to the trainer with both feet which was a good sign.

The two sides were:

Blacks          Whites

1. Newman      4. Raines
2. Gas         7. Brown
3. Deledio     8. Roach
5. Simmonds    13. Knobel
10. Stafford   14. Polo
11. J.Bowden   16. P.Bowden
12. Richo      19. Limbach
15. Pettifer   21. Tuck
17. Johnson    22. Meyer
18. Rodan      23. Jackson
20. Hall       24. Cogs
25. Schulz     29. Oakley-Nicholls
26. Pattison   32. Tivendale   
27. Krakouer   33. Hartigan
30. Tambling   34. Hughes
31. Hyde       36. Thursfield
35. White      37. Casserley
40. Moore      38. McGuane
41. Foley      39. Kellaway
43. Howat      42. Humm

As was the case on Friday, the boys were implementing Wallace's run and carry gameplan very well but there were a few too many hospital or wishful passes for my liking going into attack. The game itself was pretty full on for January and the 1%ers such as tackling, shepharding, talking, etc were performed well so credit where it's due. Moore limped off at the end and spent the rest of the training session sitting on the boundary line. There didn't seem to be too much of a concern from the trainers so hopefully it was just a knock. Hughes and Casserley also finished up for the day.

Wallace then brought everyone in including Browny and Tivs for a chat before breaking up again for a drill. The drill was designed to work on rebounding from the backline into attack from a defensive throw-in. It was good to see us do this drill as we struggled to set up scoring chances from throw-ins last year. Wallace is obviously well aware of where we fell down statistically in 2005. Once again the squad was split into black and whites with the blacks the rebounding side. A trainer would act as a boundary umpire and the blacks had to win the ball then feed it out to runners on the defensive side of the pack who would run in numbers as a wave and either carry, kick or handball to the open fat side of the ground and then go into attack towards Richo, Staff and Lids. This was pretty well done by all with Hyde almost the main goto man in virtually every passage. Even Simmonds was involved as a runner and snagged a long goal. Being lighter has obviously made him more mobile. Early on in the drill the final kick inside 50 could have been better (wrong option more than poor execution today) but as the drill went along we got much better.

The squad was then broken up into four groups for goalkicking drills with 2 groups at each end of the ground and one either side of the goals on a 45 degree angle. In this drill a kick from the goalsquare would go to about 50m out where a player would mark then handball to a running teammate who would then run and shoot at the goals with the player that handballed the footy to him then becoming a chaser from behind to put on pressure. There seemed to be points on offer to add a little bit of competition to the drills between the groups. Overall the accuracy was pretty good.

The next goalkicking drill was to practice snap shots. Each group would form a circle with a player in the middle. The players on the outside would handball one after the other to the middle bloke who would shoot around his body. Once again pretty well done.

The final goalkicking drill was similar to the first except the ball from the kick-out would be tapped down to a player front and centre and he would then have to run and shoot while the tapper and the guy who kicked the ball in from the goalsquare converged on him to put on pressure. Most of the guys did this well although Knobel's first attempt seemed to be a pass off the side of the boot in my direction around from the goals lol. Polo also had one that went off the side of his right boot. Tambling fumbled a couple of times when the ball hit the ground from the tap. He spent time with the trainer after training working on picking up the ball cleanly and then running on goal. The trainer told him to slow down a touch as he went to pick up the ball. He was ok from then on.

Finally for a bit of fun, everyone was brought in to around 60m from goal for a few long pot shots on goal. It was pretty hard to see who was having a shot from the middle of the group but Knobel's kick went stright through the centre while Pettifer just missed his and he gave a loud groan lol.

The session then finished with Krakouer, Rodan, Tambling, Limbach and Browny having goalkicking practice and a couple of us behind the goals torping any footys that cleared the net back onto the ground. If you ever fancied kicking the footy at RFC training (well just after) now is the time of the year to come down.                   

More photos to come btw. Cheers MT  :cheers
« Last Edit: January 17, 2006, 03:04:35 AM by one-eyed »
All you touch and all you see is all your life will ever be - Pink Floyd


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Re: Tiger Training
« Reply #25 on: January 16, 2006, 08:51:38 PM »
thanx mt, these reports are all gr8 to read

Offline Fishfinger

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Re: Tiger Training
« Reply #26 on: January 16, 2006, 11:13:02 PM »
Thanks for the pics WP & MT.  :cheers
I usually wait for the intra-club match before I go and watch but you've got me enthused so I'm going to have a look at training next week.
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Re: Tiger Training
« Reply #27 on: January 16, 2006, 11:13:34 PM »
Fantastic report mt, it is much appreciated. :clapping

Offline one-eyed

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Re: Tiger Training
« Reply #28 on: January 17, 2006, 03:35:15 AM »

Browny and Tivs

Scratch match


Kellaway, Richo, Thursfield, Stafford, Raines, Tambo // Whites and Blacks in their huddles

Stafford, McGuane, Richo, Kellaway, Jackson and Lids // the whole squad
« Last Edit: January 17, 2006, 04:15:52 AM by one-eyed »

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Re: Tiger Training
« Reply #29 on: January 17, 2006, 03:56:30 AM »
Goalkicking drill 1

Cogs gets away from Joel and snags a goal


Patto, Cogs and Chaffs as Tambo shoots at goal // White, Hyde and Patto with Knobel having a shot

Goalkicking drill 2

Humm, Chaffey, Tambo, Joel, White (centre of circle), Knobel and Hyde // Polo, Foley, Tivs, Tuck, Meyer (centre of circle), Richo and Limbach // Richo lets one fly at goal

Hyde, Chaffey, Cogs (centre of circle), White, Thursfield and Knobel // Cogs after a snap at the goals