The minmum distance for a kick to be marked should be 20 metres not 15, even if umpires underestimate by by 5 meters it'll at least go the old 15 and not look like some ridiculous tiggy touchwood playground game and will also open up the game.
Likewise increase the distance players are allowed to run with the football befure bouncing to 20 metres
If players have enough time to take one step then they have enough time to dispose of the football.
Likewise call HTB when players are spun 360 degrees everytime, not just occasionally- infat make it 270 degrees and then they would be....
12 interchanges per quarter is more than enough.
Ball up at the top of the goal square for deliberate rushed behinds not free kick shots for goals...despite what the flog commentators say- the goal line is not the same as the boundary line , they're live scoring zones...
Zero tolerance for deliberate OOB
Be stricter on calling play on after marks instead of letting players baulk, feign a disposal, swivel around looking for options and taking multiple steps...
Bring back third man up - just allow blocking and ball it up straight away
If the umps bounce incorrectly, bad luck, that's the nature of the game, play on....teams benefit from the ball bouncing the wrong way during general play all the time...the don't stop the game...
Make the umpires fulltime professionals.
After these rules are implemented - declare a moratorium on all further rule changes.