Anyway, back to the real world where these selfish gits won't change existing health policy nor directives and only potentially risked a super-spreader event if covid-positive covidiots were present.
Brett Sutton - Chief Health Officer, VictoriaI love freedom. Who doesn't love freedom? I want freedom from being amongst the over 4 million official (and likely 10 million actual) COVID deaths globally. And freedom from being amongst the over 13 million current active cases. Or millions of current Long COVID cases. 1/
COVID doesn't make you free - debilitating fatigue, ongoing shortness of breath, neurological and psychiatric symptoms for weeks to months. We've avoided a huge potential burden of illness in Australia but the 30,000 cases we've had still represents so much suffering. 2/
When we prevent illness, the argument seems to go that there isn't really an issue, so why the restrictions? But this pandemic is far, far from over. New variants could still be catastrophic for much of the world - Australia included. They are hugely challenging to manage. 3/
That's not a reason a 'give up'. Letting infections potentially overwhelm our health system will cause illness and death at an awful scale. It also impacts civil liberties and it's hugely damaging to the economy to have widespread transmission. See: can all argue the merits or otherwise of various approaches to managing transmission, but let's not pretend that 'marching for freedom' will actually deliver the precious freedom that we all need and desire. end/