AFL VICTORIA – RETURN TO SMALL OUTDOOR GROUP TRAINING GUIDEThe following guide was established to support teams in the 'Returning to Small Outdoor Group Training' phase, under the current Victorian Government COVID-19 restrictions. Community clubs and teams have an obligation to strictly adhere to these protocols at every training session. The key principle for training must be 'Get in, Train, Get out'.
Small Outdoor Group Training of up to 10 PeopleClubs can undertake training in groups no larger than 10 people. The group of 10 does not include a coach / support staff who are reasonably required to manage the activity. Two groups of 10 can utilise the same oval provided they do not operate closely together, and the oval is split into two zones. No more than two small training groups per oval at any one time with groups not permitted to interact.
1.5m Social Distancing and Strictly No ContactAll training must strictly observe social distancing requirements of 1.5m and must be non-contact (i.e. no tackling, no bumping, no marking contests, etc.).
Footballs Allowed, but no Other EquipmentFootballs can be used for small outdoor group training, however only limited additional equipment is permitted (i.e. field marking cones are permitted).
No Access to ChangeroomsAll club rooms, changerooms and wet areas are not to be used as part of the return to small outdoor group training.
Hygiene Protocols in PlaceClubs to implement hygiene protocols as per the Victorian State Government guidelines (i.e. washing hands, avoiding facial touching, staying at home if sick, covering mouth and elbow to cough or sneeze etc).
At Least One Covid Safe OfficerClubs to nominate an official(s) to undertake the Australian Government online COVID-19 Infection Control Training prior to recommencement of club activity.
A Register of ParticipantsClub to implement a log, or register, to keep a track of which participants are in attendance at all training sessions.
COVIDSafe AppThe club to encourage all players, volunteers and families to download the COVIDSafe App to help in tracing the spread of COVID-19.
Local Government ApprovalThe club has received approval from the Local Government to access the oval for small outdoor group training.
Follow DirectionsThe club and training groups understand that they must follow the direction and advice of local and state authorities at all times.