There would have been no dynasty if people like Claw were in charge.
Thankfully, self-absorbed Richmond-haters with false list management expertise were not running the show. 
Now thats a pretty cheap and nasty shot at a poster and deserves a like reply.
Personally i think dumb stupid totally unthinking posters like you are nuff nuffs but never say it until poked.
Having been unjustly imo vilified On this occasion i think its warranted, you know a bit poo thrown a bit of poo back in ya face. So don't whine like a girl to the mods.
Rather than making up stories i challenge you to debate anything i post, have always been happy to do so. It will never happen with you though, imo a gutless blinkered poster who cries at any hint of criticism who sits back and takes cheap shots never prepared to have an opinion or put anything on the line.
You don't like what i post but have no come back to counter what i say so instead attack the poster. Yep a real nuff nuff.

I have no issue with you calling me stupid or a nuff nuff. It's funny to me. Fill your boots mate!
Also, I have challenged your theories many times over the years, but it's a pointless exercise because you have no balance whatsoever in your views, no willingness to understand other peoples perspectives and no willingness to admit when you're wrong (which you are most of the time).
Anyway, let's be real, you barely go to games, you constantly bag our players and fans, you refer to our most successful coach ever as "Dimwit" and you show absolutely no sign of genuine affection for this cub at all.
The only thing you seen to care about is your self-inflated image as some sort of maverick list management guru.
So yes, you are the one poster on this site that I do question as a legitimate fan.
Nevertheless, I enjoy having you on here because your predicable, self-important rants are quite comical.