Author Topic: Who will get the scoop on the miners?  (Read 4777 times)


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Who will get the scoop on the miners?
« on: May 10, 2006, 09:04:49 AM »
Interesting what's going on in Beaconsfield with all the networks clamouring to get a deal with the miners signed up.
On MMM this morning they're talking about Eddie and Seven offering national telethons to raise money for the town, shouting drinks at the bar, etc, etc, etc.

But there is someone behind the scenes who may scoop the lot by doubling whatever is offered to them.

Who?  Oprah lol

Eddie getting shafted by Oprah, i'd like to see that.  She has taken a bit of an interest in the story, so see what happens.

News so big it interrupted Oprah
D.D. McNicoll
May 10, 2006
THE rescue was front-page news around the world and even American TV talkshow queen Oprah broke into an in-depth discussion about prostitutes' lives to bring her legion of viewers the good news.

The US television news network CNN crossed live, via telephone, to its producer in Beaconsfield, Hugh Williams, for a report as the news of the miners' rescue first broke early yesterday morning.

It was late afternoon on Monday in the US when news of the successful rescue came through and the TV networks and their websites immediately aired the news. In London, The Times and The Daily Telegraph made the rescue front-page stories in their Tuesday morning editions and The Times carried the story as the lead item on its website throughout the morning.

The Los Angeles Times carried the story as one of its major foreign news items.

Oprah Winfrey broke into a discussion on an undercover report on the life of a prostitute to bring the news of the miners' rescue to her vast audience.

CNN could not get a live video feed from Beaconsfield when the news broke, so the studio announcer switched to a voice report from Williams that ran over old footage from the mine site. "We have just got word they have been rescued from the cavity where they have been trapped for almost a fortnight," Williams told the network's global audience. Later, the network ran live coverage of the men emerging from the mine.

For the rest of the day CNN carried Williams's voice report as the lead item on its website, along with photographs of a smiling and waving Todd Russell and Brant Webb being loaded into ambulances for their trip to Launceston hospital.

Throughout the day, the influential Associated Press wire service ran the rescue story as the second item on its breaking news service.,20867,19086550-601,00.html

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Re: Who will get the scoop on the miners?
« Reply #1 on: May 10, 2006, 09:44:39 AM »
Geez we are so preoccupied with what other people think. This sort of story gets run every time a major event happens in Australia. A sign that as a country we have not quite grown up yet.


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Re: Who will get the scoop on the miners?
« Reply #2 on: May 10, 2006, 09:59:03 AM »
Geez we are so preoccupied with what other people think. This sort of story gets run every time a major event happens in Australia. A sign that as a country we have not quite grown up yet.
Is like back in the '60s and '70s when international artists started to tour here more on a regular basis.  They'd arrive at Essendon Airport or Tulla after a marathon flight, go to a press conference and asked what do they think of Australia lol.  Sitting their cringing and asking, who cares?  A lack of self-esteem, always looking for approval - yep, not quite grown up yet.

Still would like to see Oprah do a job on Eddie  ;D

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Re: Who will get the scoop on the miners?
« Reply #3 on: May 10, 2006, 02:26:49 PM »
Eddie getting shafted by Oprah, i'd like to see that.  She has taken a bit of an interest in the story, so see what happens.

Every Aussie gets a new car  ;D.
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Re: Who will get the scoop on the miners?
« Reply #4 on: May 12, 2006, 03:25:40 PM »
There's already talk of this being turned into a book and a movie.
All you touch and all you see is all your life will ever be - Pink Floyd


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Re: Who will get the scoop on the miners?
« Reply #5 on: May 15, 2006, 03:18:17 AM »
There's already talk of this being turned into a book and a movie.

Two Flops in waiting.

Eddie will use the incident as a tax write off if he has any financial pull in the production of either.
Seriously,how interesting can u make a movie where the 2 supposed lead roles are entombed in a cage for 98% of the story.

Someone should pay the rescuers a seperate fee for their own stories - make a far better angle and much more to work with..............
and Eddie won't be able to do jack ! - LMAO.

Besides,we all know who the real "Heroes" were and it's wasn't the two rednecks that sat in the dark squeezing their peckers to Foo Fighters ::)

So much for exclusivity :wallywink

I hate Oprah,bloody silverback missing link, but think it would be a huge nail in McGuires coffin if she were to take this approach.


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Like caged rats - ROLMFAFO
« Reply #6 on: May 22, 2006, 03:32:52 AM »
Are we all gonna be script writers for the movie ?

 Like caged rats
John Ferguson

TRAPPED like caged rats, the Beaconsfield miners planned to amputate their legs if caught in another life-threatening rock fall.
- They would have died from loss of blood FFS.
lmao@ hanging out for twoo weeks with no legs between you.

Brant Webb and Todd Russell told for the first time last night of their extraordinary battle to survive after being buried alive for 14 nights.

The pair revealed they were both hopelessly trapped under rock on the fateful Anzac evening when their colleague, Larry Knight, was entombed almost 1km underground.

Mr Russell, 35, was near death, almost completely buried. Mr Webb was buried up to his armpits.

Mr Russell had called for Mr Knight's help, not knowing he had been crushed by the fall.

"At that stage I yelled for Larry to get us out several times. Three or four times I was screaming, screaming for Larry to get us out," he told Channel 9.

Mr Webb, 37, had been knocked out briefly by the fall, Mr Russell said.

Mr Webb, near tears during the interview, said the ordeal had been emotionally taxing.

"I just thought, oh, I was just going off my head. I just thought I was a caged rat; you know, get me out of here . . ."

As part of detailed contingency plans while waiting to be saved, the pair talked about cutting legs off to save themselves, and how to apply tourniquets, if their legs were pinned again.

Mr Russell said: "We'd actually discussed that if we had to come to that conclusion -- our leg had to come off because it was pinned and it was going to be a risk for us -- we were prepared to take our leg off with a Stanley knife."

Mr Webb and Mr Russell reportedly received more than $2.5 million from the Packer empire for the interview, conducted over several hours last week.

The pair were trapped in an Anzac evening rock fall at Beaconsfield, about 40km north-west of Launceston.

The survivors were saved by a cage they were working in. It measured about 2m wide and 1.2m deep; the walls were about 1.5m high, but part of the cage was crushed by rock.

It was filled with rock and rubble on the night of the fall.

The blast from the seismic action had blown Mr Russell into the fetal position.

They revealed in last night's two-hour program that they had had virtually nothing in common, other than being miners from the same area.

As reported in the Herald Sun, Mr Russell came perilously close to dying on the night of the disaster.

It took five or six days for Mr Russell to get feeling back into his left leg, which had been pinned under rock during the initial rock fall.

The legs of both were pinned. Mr Webb said: "I knew he was in trouble when he stopped shouting for my name."

Mr Russell said: "And the pressure was getting that bad around the chest and cavity area that it was starting to push fluids up, and I was vomiting fluids up."

He said he had willed himself to live. "I could just see the picture of my wife and the three children and . . . I said to myself 'I'm not dying here'," he said.

"I said 'No'; said 'I'm not dying here."'

Once they were found, five days after the rock fall, the pair faced an exasperating wait as a new tunnel was drilled through dense rock.

They would spend a total of 14 nights underground before being released in the early hours of May 9.

Mr Webb said that despite having little in common, he had relied on Mr Russell, particularly as blasting to free them began.

Mr Russell said: "I basically came up with a little saying that I said to Brant. I said 'Look, mate, if you don't settle down I'm going to have to give you a kiss."'

Both men were overwhelmed by the efforts of the rescuers.

Mr Webb said: "They didn't lie to us. They kept us in the loop to keep our spirits up, you know."

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Re: Like caged rats - ROLMFAFO
« Reply #7 on: May 22, 2006, 04:55:28 AM »

lmao@ hanging out for twoo weeks with no legs between you.   

LMAO@  Hanging out for 2 weeks for a dump.
LMAO@ I will cut your legs off, but I aint holding the bag for u.