I wouldn't put it past an AFL club to *advise* a teenager or young 20's kid to consider not going through with a pregnancy but I struggle to imagine them directing someone to have an abortion flat out.
Yep entirely in the realms of possibility that the kid was in a relationship where he wasn't 100% happy and the club could see he wasn't reaching his potential and advised him of the options available
Still its a poo sandwich and in this pc world of witchhunts where everyone else is to blame there is going to be blood
Yeah man.
We have 4 kids here. 2 are my step kids. 2 bio. Wife had all 4 before 30.
I'm sure if she had her time again she wouldn't have kids with her first husband at all. She was 21, he was 20, and they were both very immature and naive. Look now they are co-parenting together, it's difficult and awkward, and the kids are worse off for the complexity/blended circumstances with shared custody etc.
If one of my staff got pregnant at 18-21 I'd be telling them to think hard about it.
Heck one of my staff miscarried with her husband (she's 22) and hey presto he wants a divorce now after 6 months of marriage and 9 months of home ownership together. She's much better off for not having a kid with the jerk.