Yep damo and why is he happy? I would be embrrassed with what his players dished up today.
Not sure what your talking about WP, but i thought that presser was about as soift as i have heard him. They are getting worse.
About a month ago he went a tad hard and the results came. He has reverted to his weak rubbish again.
"He was happy"?
First time in a presser he didn't say he was proud of the effort, first time.
Didn't go into detail as to the areas we stuffed up in. Just kept saying we will review and stopped. All previous pressers he says things like "we will review honestly like we always do", "our leaders will drive this" blah, blah
None of that yesterday. If you didn't notice the glare at the one media numpty who asked the same question twice?
It was clear IMHO he was gutted with the effort yesterday due to the significance of the occasion. We have no idea what was said before closed doors but to suggest he was happy I reckon is way of the mark
As for the umms and aaahhjms etc he's 14 weeks into his career. Go back in time and you'll find most of them did at the start, even 3 time premiership coaches