2. To Kill a Mockingbird
One of my all time favourite movies adpated from one of my all time favourite books. Great thing about "To Kill a Mockingbird" was that the movie stayed so true to Harper Lee's book.
3. Schindler's List
Another favourite movie - making it in B&W did great justice to the story
6. E.T.
A beauty
10. Saving Private Ryan
I hated this movie not for the graphic footage but because at the end of it I justed wanted to deck Private Ryan for being a bloody selfish "so 'n' so" - geesh he was an idiot - remember right at the end when he is at Arlington and he's with his wife and he says something to her like "tell me I am good man" - I found myself yelling at the screen - "no sir you are a richardhead - all these people are dead because you wouldn't leave"
Guess Who's Coming to Dinner
Absolute classic this one Moi - Spencer Tracy's final speech - magic
I reckon to this day still one of the best if not the very best Aussie movie ever made
One of my favourites is a little obsecure movie call "Movie Box" that was made around 1989 - sensational stuff - a female lawyer defends her father against war crimes - you don't know right until the end whther the accusations are true.