i dunno about you gusy but i feel really unsafe when i go to support the Victory in sydney
They are feral. Envious of Victory being successful and the biggest Soccer club.
They fixed up the Victory nice and proper. Victory choking in the shootout. It took South Melbourne almost 3 decades to lose in a Grand Final ... it took these chokers from the Victory 4 years lol ... anyway Camiserations your still stuck on 2 very very dubious championships - championships attained I may add in an appalling 8 team league. 4 sydney!
Is this the voice of a little VPL club supporter lol.
There was no GF in the NSL's first 7 years that's why they didn't lose a GF lol. South Melb came runner up in year 5 coincidentally so South supporters can hardly talk
Melbourne were by far the better team but losing Archie early on meant we lost our most dangerous striker. Let in a goal they shouldn't have because half the side didn't hear the offside call and Sydney ran down and scored before the defence could get back. It was one of the loudest crowds I'm been in btw. Still fought back to level but the full-time whistle seemed to stop our momentum after scoring. Sydney had parked the bus and we're playing for penalties in their usual positive playing manner
. Then lost in penalty shoot-out which is the most ridiculous way to decide any game of Soccer let alone a GF. Win or lose I've always hated it. They should just let them play on as they do in Tennis with no tiebreakers in the fifth set. Skill and fitness should decide the winner not russian roulette. Thank god we don't have that crap in Aussie Rules and the best team on the day always wins. Anyway Lowy and the FFA got their baby to hack their way to a title immuned to receiving red cards despite blatant dangerous tackles designed to cause injury and dodgy goals through the finals series. What a coincidence all 3 Victory ACL injuries this season to Archie, Kemp and Celeski plus Kruse's near broken leg all happened against Sydney
. What a surprise no Aussie referee is going to World Cup. FIFA doesn't want these officiating amateur clowns anywhere near their best tournament and best players. Thank goodness the real footy starts this Thursday and skill rather than thuggery is rewarded (well pushing the skill part as the moment when it comes to us